The Comprehensive Cancer Center Augsburg -CCCA- | Oncology Center organizes and coordinates the cooperation of all disciplines with 29 participating departments and institutes of the Augsburg University Hospital. As a Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC), it is our motivation and our task to bundle multidisciplinary patient care, education and training, research as well as regional networking in oncology with the ultimate goal: the best care for cancer patients in Augsburg and the surrounding region.
However, this goal can’t be achieved with good organization and coordination alone. A 9-member board of directors discusses CCCA related topics and measures are put in place to continuously improve cancer treatment and cancer research at Augsburg University Hospital. In addition, all member departments (diagnostic and treating) of the CCCA meet on a regular basis to jointly review the current status of the CCCA, plan new approaches and implement the requirements for modern cancer medicine. To achieve this, transparency and teamwork are paramount. The commitment of the teams from all involved departments goes beyond the norm and is invaluable. Since we know that this can´t be taken for granted, we are very grateful to each employee for their tireless efforts for the benefit of our patients!
The multi-layered paths in modern cancer medicine are nowadays almost impossible to overlook and keep track of, for those affected. We do everything in our power to arrange medical care for our patients at the highest medical level, reliably, comfortably and in close interaction with our cooperation partners and colleagues in private practices.