Technical aspects of the new BYCROSS™ atherectomy device - preliminary results after 28 patients.
Liebetrau D, Teßarek J, Elger F, Peters V, Scheurig-Münkler C, Hyhlik-Dürr A. Vasa 2024 Nov;53(6):388-396.
Real world experience with the TREO device in standard EVAR: Mid-term results of 150 cases from a German Multicenter study.
Zerwes S, Ciura AM, Eckstein HH, Heiser O, Kalder J, Keschenau P, Lescan M, Rylski B, Kondov S, Teßarek J, Bruijnen HK, Hyhlik-Dürr A. Vasa 2024 Nov;53(6):411-419.
Can inflammatory plasma proteins predict Long COVID or Fatigue severity after SARS-CoV-2 infection?
Schmitz T, Freuer D, Goßlau Y , Warm TD , Hyhlik-Dürr A , Linseisen J , Meisinger C , Kirchberger. Virus Res 2024 Jun;344:199363.
Two-year follow-up after treatment of an aortic transection in the presence of an aberrant right subclavian artery.
Warm TD, Gosslau Y, Scheurig-Muenkler C, Hyhlik-Duerr A. Vascular 2024 Apr;32(2):292-295.
A rare case of an acute type B aortic dissection contained infrarenal rupture of the false lumen after prior endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair.
Streck E, Souri Y, Hyhlik-Dürr A . J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech 2024 Feb;10(1):101366.
Endovascular aortic repair with sac embolization for the prevention of type II endoleaks (the EVAR-SE study): study protocol for a randomized controlled multicentre study in Germany
Knappich C, Kirchhoff F, Fritzsche M-K, Egert-Schwender S, Wendorff H, Kallmayer M, Haller B, Hyhlik-Duerr A, Reeps C, Eckstein H-H, Trenner M. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2024) 22:32.
Longitudinal course and predictors of health-related quality of life, mental health, and fatigue, in non-hospitalized individuals with or without post COVID-19 syndrome
Kirchberger I, Meisinger C, Warm TD, Hyhlik-Dürr A, Linseisen J, Goßlau Y. (2024)
Symptom Clusters in Acute SARS-CoV-2 infection and long COVID Fatigue in Male and Female Outpations
Leone V, Freuer D, Goßlau Y, Kirchberger I, Warm T, Hyhlik-Dürr A, Meisinger C, Linseisen J. J. Pers. Med. 2024, 14, 602.
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Heparin-Bonded Expanded Polytetrafluorethylene Grafts for Below-The-Knee Femoral Bypass Surgery
Goueffic Y, Piffaretti G, Iqbal K, Dorweiler B, Hyhlik-Dürr A. Elsevier 2024 inc.
Traumatische Hemipelvektomie. Ein nichtalltäglicher Fall in der Unfallchirurgie
Pfalzgraf F, Ecker M, Goßlau Y, Mayr E. Die Unfallchirurgie, 8-2024. 607-612.
Clinical evaluation of the PowerGlide Pro midline catheter- dwell time, complications and outcomes for various medications including prostaglandins.
Souri Y ; Hernandez Cancino EF ; Kerndl H ; Hyhlik-Duerr A ; Gosslau Y Langenbecks Arch Surg 2024 Nov 27;409(1):363
Das vaskuläre Trauma: Analyse der Versorgungsrealität in einer deutschlandweiten Umfrage
Warm, T.D., Stojanovic, T., die Kommission Katastrophenmedizin und Gefäßtraumatologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gefäßchirurgie. et al. Gefässchirurgie (2023)
The association between the number of symptoms and the severity of Post-COVID-Fatigue after SARS-CoV-2 infection treated in an outpatient setting.
Schmidbauer, L., Kirchberger, I., Goßlau, Y. et al. J Neurol 270, 3294–3302 (2023).
Subjective and objective cognitive impairments in non-hospitalized persons 9 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection
Kirchberger Inge, Peilstöcker Daniela, Warm Tobias D., Linseisen Jakob, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Meisinger Christine, Goßlau Yvonne. Viruses 2023;15(1):256.
Technical aspects of percutaneous endovascular arteriovenous fistula creation with the Ellipsys® Vascular Access System. Preliminary results after 16 patients
Liebetrau, Dominik, et al. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 408.1 (2023): 91.
Beeinflussen moderne Informationssysteme die Wahl der Klinik bei Patienten mit Gefäßpathologien?
Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Koberstein Nadine, Schäfer Alexander E., Zerwes Sebastian, Böckler Dittmar. Gefäßchirurgie 2022;27:365-372.
Determination of the influence of weather and air constituents on aortic aneurysm ruptures
Kaspar-Ott Irena, Olschewski Patrick, Koller Stephanie, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Streck Elena, Eckstein Hans-Henning, Radu Oksana, Hertig Elke.. Heliyon 2022;8(4):e09263.
Die Marginalvene – nach wie vor eine seltene Entität: Fallserie von 16 Patienten
Liebetrau Dominik, Marnoto Rio, Goßlau Yvonne, Zerwes Sebastian, Stangl Franz, Wohlgemuth W. A., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Die Chirurgie 2022;93:892-898.
Die iatrogene Gefäßverletzung der Extremitäten
Goßlau Yvonne, Warm Tobias Dominik, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.. Gefässchirurgie 2022;27:184-189.
Elevated plasma D-dimer concentrations in adults after an outpatient-treated COVID-19 infection
Meisinger Christa, Kirchberger Inge, Warm Tobias D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Goßlau Yvonne, Linseisen Jakob. Viruses 2022;14(11):2441.
Erste Erfahrungen mit der Bio-Zellulose Nanogen Aktiv in der Behandlung komplexer Wunden
Marnoto Rio, Warm Tobias Dominik, Storl Kerstin, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Goßlau Yvonne Nicole. Gefässchirurgie 2022;27:380-387.
Iatrogenic injury of the popliteal artery in orthopedic knee surgery: clinical results and development of a therapeutic algorithm
Goßlau Yvonne, Warm Tobias Dominik, Foerch Stefan, Zerwes Sebastian, Scheurig-Muenkler Christian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2022;48:4169-4179.
Post-COVID-19 fatigue and SARS-CoV-2 specific humoral and T-cell responses in male and female outpatients
Meisinger Christa, Goßlau Yvonne, Warm Tobias D., Leone Vincenza, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Linseisen Jakob, Kirchberger Inge. Frontiers in Immunology 2022;13:902140.
The prevalence of vascular complications in SARS-CoV-2 infected outpatients
Goßlau Yvonne, Warm Tobias Dominik, Hernandez Cancino Edgar Franklin, Kirchberger Inge, Meisinger Christine, Linseisen Jakob, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 2022;
Two-year follow-up after treatment of an aortic transection in the presence of an aberrant right subclavian artery
Warm Tobias Dominik, Gosslau Yvonne N., Scheurig-Münkler Christian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Vascular 2022;
SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study
COVIDSurg, Collaborative, and Collaborative GlobalSurg. Anaesthesia 77.1 (2022): 28-39.
Resource requirements in the surgical treatment of COVID‑19 patients at a university clinic of maximum care
Kerndl, H., et al. Der Chirurg (2022): 1-8.
Isolierte Iliakalarterienaneurysmen
Scheurig-Münkler, C., and S. Zerwes. Die Radiologie 62.7 (2022): 607-613.
Behandlungsstrategien und Ergebnisse bei injektionsassoziierten inguinalen perivaskulären Abszessen bei intravenös Drogenabhängigen
Liebetrau D., Feder E., Zerwes Sebastian, Goßlau Y., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Der Chirurg 2021;92:1033-1039.
Ethische Aspekte in der Aortenchirurgie: ein Fallbericht
Berken Jonas, Losher E., Zerwes Sebastian, Linné R., Frühwald Michael C., Anthuber Matthias, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Gefäßchirurgie 2021;26:123-126.
Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on the care of patients with acute and chronic aortic conditions
Czerny Martin, et al. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2021;59(5):1096-1102.
Open conversion after endovascular aneurysm sealing: technical features and clinical outcomes in 44 patients
Zerwes Sebastian, Kiessling Johanna, Liebetrau Dominik, Jakob Rudolf, Gosslau Yvonne, Bruijnen Hans-Kees, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2021;28(2):332-341.
Results of endovascular aortic arch repair using the relay branch system
Czerny Martin, et al. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2021;60(6):662-668.
Seltene Erkrankungen und Onkologie in der Gefäßchirurgie
Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Steinbauer Markus. Gefässchirurgie 2021;26(8):575-576.
Spinaler Querschnitt nach EVAR bei bestehendem Nierenzellkarzinom
Kuchar Johanna, Sommer Björn, Shiban Ehab, Gosslau Yvonne N., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Gefässchirurgie 2021;26:635-638.
Tiefe Beinvenenthrombosen bei Intensivpatienten mit COVID-19-Infektion: Einfluss eines standardisierten Therapieregimes
Goßlau Yvonne, Warm Tobias Dominik, Hernandez Cancino Edgar Franklin, Braun Georg, Spring Oliver, Zerwes Sebastian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Zentralblatt für Chirurgie - Zeitschrift für Allgemeine, Viszeral-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie 2021;146(06):605-611.
Venöse Aneurysmen: Anatomie und klinisches Management
Zerwes Sebastian, Kuchar Johanna, Warm Tobias, Ruhnke Hannes, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Gefässchirurgie 2021;26(8):590-595.
Comparison of the development of SARS-coronavirus-2-specific cellular immunity, and central memory CD4+ T-cell responses following Infection versus vaccination
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Results of endovascular aortic arch repair using the Relay Branch system Czerny, Martin, et al.
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Effects of pre‐operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study COVIDSurg Collaborative, et al.
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SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study Jiménez Rodríguez, Rosa M., et al.
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Bildgebende Phänomene im Rahmen der Nachsorge nach endovaskulärer Aneurysma-Versiegelung (EVAS) mittels Nellix-System (Endologix) in der Computertomografie
Decker Josua, Zerwes Sebastian, Jakob Rudolf, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Kröncke Thomas, Scheurig-Münkler Christian. RöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 2020;192(10):909-914.
COVID-19-Infektion: Risiko für thrombembolische Komplikationen
Zerwes Sebastian, Steinbauer M., Gosslau Y., Warm T., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Gefässchirurgie 2020;25(6):397-402.
Continuous wound infiltration versus epidural analgesia for midline abdominal incisions – a randomized-controlled pilot trial (Painless-Pilot trial; DRKS Number: DRKS00008023)
Klotz Rosa, Seide Svenja E., Knebel Phillip, Probst Pascal, Bruckner Thomas, Motsch Johann, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Böckler Dittmar, Larmann Jan, Diener Markus K., Weigand Markus A., Büchler Markus W., Mihaljevic Andre L.. PLOS ONE 2020;15(3):229898.
Erhöhtes Risiko für tiefe Beinvenenthrombosen bei Intensivpatienten mit CoViD-19-Infektion? Erste Daten
Zerwes Sebastian, Hernandez Cancino F., Liebetrau D., Gosslau Y., Warm T., Märkl Bruno, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander. Der Chirurg 2020;91:588-594.
Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) Current aspects of material, indications and limits: an overview Wortmann, M., Engelhart, M., Elias, K., Popp, E., Zerwes, S., & Hyhlik-Dürr, A. (2020).
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REBOA (Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta) - Brauchen wir das wirklich?
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Editor's Choice - Occurrence and Classification of Proximal Type I Endoleaks After EndoVascular Aneurysm Sealing Using the Nellix™ Device.
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Anatomical Applicability of Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing Techniques in a Consecutive Cohort of Fenestrated Endovascular Aneurysm Repairs.
Roy IN, Gharib M, Zerwes S, Jakob R, Torella F, McWilliams RG, Fisher RK.
J Endovasc Ther. 2017 Dec;24(6):773-778.
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Early Experience With Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing in Combination With Parallel Grafts for the Treatment of Complex Abdominal Aneurysms: The ASCEND Registry.
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Treating Iliac Aneurysm Using the Nellix Endovascular Sac Sealing System
Marwan Y, Zerwes S, Jakob R, Dünschede F, . Dorweiler B, Vahl C.
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Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing (EVAS) and Chimney EVAS in the Treatment of Failed Endovascular Aneurysm Repairs.
Youssef M, Zerwes S, Jakob R, Salem O, Dünschede F, Vahl CF, Dorweiler B.
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Seduction and Its Impact on Instructions for Use.
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Initial Experience in the Treatment of Extensive Iliac Artery Aneurysms With the Nellix Aneurysm Sealing System.
Youssef M, Nurzai Z, Zerwes S, Jakob R, Dünschede F, Dorweiler B, Vahl CF.
J Endovasc Ther. 2016 Apr;23(2):290-6.
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Early experience with the new endovascular aneurysm sealing system Nellix: First clinical results after 50 implantations.
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Clinical outcomes in hybrid repair procedures for pathologies involving the aortic arch.
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