Die Klinik für Neurologie und klinische Neurophysiologie ist auch wissenschaftlich sehr aktiv. So gibt es neben zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften eine ganze Reihe von Fachbüchern, die entweder komplett oder teilweise von den Ärzten unserer Klinik verfasst wurden. Als Studienzentrum ist die Klinik auch an verschiedenen internationalen Studien beteiligt, die sich unter anderem mit den Krankheiten Multiple Sklerose, Schlaganfall und Parkinson befassen. Daneben gibt es seitens der Ärzte der Klinik eine intensive Mitarbeit in Gremien und Fachgesellschaften.
Ausgewählte Publikationen der Klinik (alphabetisch nach Mitarbeitenden)
Prof. Dr. Antonios Bayas
Kümpfel T, Thiel S, Meinl I, Ciplea AI, Bayas A, Hoffmann F, Hofstadt-van Oy U, Hoshi M, Kluge J, Ringelstein M, Aktas O, Stoppe M, Walter A, Weber MS, Ayzenberg I, Hellwig K. Anti-CD20 therapies and pregnancy in neuroimmunologic disorders: A cohort study from Germany. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020 Dec 17;8(1):e913. doi: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000000913.
Simbrich A, Thibaut J, Khil L, Maximov S, Wiendl H, Berger K; REGIMS Investigators. Chances and Challenges of Registry-Based Pharmacovigilance in Multiple Sclerosis: Lessons Learnt from the Implementation of the Multicenter REGIMS Registry. Drug Saf. 2020 Oct 23. doi: 10.1007/s40264-020-01007-1.
Bayas A, Menacher M, Schwaiblmair M, Märkl B, Naumann M. Alemtuzumab-associated diffuse alveolar damage - a case report. BMC Neurol 2020; 20(1):357. doi: 10.1186/s12883-020-01934-7.
Gasperi C, Andlauer TFM, Keating A, Knier B, Klein A, Pernpeintner V, Lichtner P, Gold R, Zipp F, Then Bergh F, Stangel M, Tumani H, Wildemann B, Wiendl H, Bayas A, Kümpfel T, Zettl UK, Linker RA, Ziemann U, Knop M, Warnke C, Friese MA, Paul F, Tackenberg B, Berthele A, Hemmer B. Genetic determinants of the humoral immune response in MS. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020 Jul 16;7(5):e827. doi: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000000827. Print 2020 Sept
Meuth SG, Bayas A, Kallmann B, Kleinschnitz C, Linker R, Rieckmann P, Mäurer M. Long-term management of multiple sclerosis patients treated with cladribine tablets: an expert opinion. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2020 Jul 13:1-5. doi: 10.1080/14656566.2020.1792885. Online ahead of print.
Bittner S, Steffen F, Uphaus T, Muthuraman M, Fleischer V, Salmen A, Luessi F, Berthele A, Klotz L, Meuth SG, Bayas A, Paul F, Hartung HP, Linker R, Heesen C, Stangel M, Wildemann B, Then Bergh F, Tackenberg B, Kuempfel T, Weber F, Zettl UK, Ziemann U, Tumani H, Groppa S, Mühlau M, Lukas C, Hemmer B, Wiendl H, Gold R, Zipp F; KKNMS consortium. Clinical implications of serum neurofilament in newly diagnosed MS patients: A longitudinal multicentre cohort study. EBioMedicine. 2020 Jun;56:102807. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2020.102807. Epub 2020 May 24. PMID: 32460167
Bayas A, Christ M. Immuntherapie der Multiplen Sklerose. internistische praxis 2020; 62, 457–471
Abrahamyan S, Eberspächer B, Hoshi MM, Aly L, Luessi F, Groppa S, Klotz L, Meuth SG, Schroeder C, Grüter T, Tackenberg B, Paul F, Then-Bergh F, Kümpfel T, Weber F, Stangel M, Bayas A, Wildemann B, Heesen C, Zettl U, Warnke C, Antony G, Hessler N, Wiendl H, Bittner S, Hemmer B, Gold R, Salmen A, Ruprecht K; German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS); Complete Epstein-Barr virus seropositivity in a large cohort of patients with early multiple sclerosis. Other members of the KKNMS that acted as collaborators in this study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020 Jul;91(7):681-686. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2020-322941. Epub 2020 May 5. PMID: 32371533
Engel S, Graetz C, Salmen A, Muthuraman M, Toenges G, Ambrosius B, Bayas A, Berthele A, Heesen C, Klotz L, Kümpfel T, Linker RA, Meuth SG, Paul F, Stangel M, Tackenberg B, Then Bergh F, Tumani H, Weber F, Wildemann B, Zettl UK, Antony G, Bittner S, Groppa S, Hemmer B, Wiendl H, Gold R, Zipp F, Lill CM, Luessi F; German Competence Network of Multiple Sclerosis. Is APOE e4 associated with cognitive performance in early MS? Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020 May 1;7(4). pii: e728. doi: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000000728. Print 2020 Jul.
Heitmann H, Haller B, Tiemann L, Mühlau M, Berthele A, Tölle TR, Salmen A, Ambrosius B, Bayas A, Asseyer S, Hartung H-P, Heesen C, Stangel M, Wildemann B, Haars S, Groppa S, Luessi L, Kümpfel T, Nischwitz S, Meuth SG, Klotz L, Linker RA, Zettl U, Ziemann U, Tumani H, Tackenberg B, Zipp F, Wiend H, Gold R, Hemmer B, Ploner M, on behalf of the German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS) Longitudinal prevalence and determinants of pain in multiple sclerosis: results from the German National Multiple Sclerosis Cohort study. Pain. 2020 Apr;161(4):787-796. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001767.
Butzkueven H, Kappos L, Wiendl H, Trojano M, Spelman T, Chang I, Kasliwal R, Jaitly S, Campbell N, Ho PR, Licata S; Tysabri Observational Program (TOP) Investigators. Long-term safety and effectiveness of natalizumab treatment in clinical practice: 10 years of real-world data from the Tysabri Observational Program (TOP). J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2020 Mar 31. pii: jnnp-2019-322326. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2019-322326
Heitmann H, Haller B, Tiemann L, Mühlau M, Berthele A, Tölle TR, Salmen A, Ambrosius B, Bayas A, Asseyer S, Hartung H-P, Heesen C, Stangel M, Wildemann B, Haars S, Groppa S, Luessi L, Kümpfel T, Nischwitz S, Meuth SG, Klotz L, Linker RA, Zettl U, Ziemann U, Tumani H, Tackenberg B, Zipp F, Wiend H, Gold R, Hemmer B, Ploner M, on behalf of the German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS). Longitudinal prevalence and determinants of pain in multiple sclerosis: results from the German National Multiple Sclerosis Cohort study. Pain 2020; in press; doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001767
Ringelstein M, Harmel J, Zimmermann H, Brandt AU, Paul F, Haarmann A, Buttmann M, Hümmert MW, Trebst C, Schroeder C, Ayzenberg I, Kleiter I, Hellwig K, Havla J, Kümpfel T, Jarius S, Wildemann B, Rommer P, Weber MS, Pellkofer H, Röpke L, Geis C, Retzlaff N, Zettl U, Deppe M, Klotz L, Young K, Stellmann JP, Kaste M, Kermer P, Marouf W, Lauda F, Tumani H, Graf J, Klistorner A, Hartung HP, Aktas O, Albrecht P; Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS). Longitudinal optic neuritis-unrelated visual evoked potential changes in NMO spectrum disorders. Neurology. 2020 Jan 28;94(4):e407-e418. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000008684. Epub 2019 Dec 3.
Bittner S, Engel S, Lange C, Weber MS, Haghikia A, Luessi F, Korn T, Klotz L, Bayas A, Paul F, Heesen C, Stangel M, Wildemann B, Bergh FT, Tackenberg B, Trebst C, Warnke C, Linker R, Kerschensteiner M, Zettl U, Tumani H, Brück W, Meuth SG, Kümpfel T, Hemmer B, Wiendl H, Gold R, Zipp F. Diagnostics and treatment of tuberculosis under immunotherapy for multiple sclerosis : Current status and recommendations in Germany. Nervenarzt. 2019; 90: 1245-1253. doi: 10.1007/s00115-019-0760-0
Christ M, Müller T, Bien C, Hagen T, Naumann M, Bayas A. Autoimmune encephalitis associated with antibodies against the metabotropic glutamate receptor type 1: case report and review of the literature. Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2019; 10;12:1756286419847418. doi: 0.1177/1756286419847418. eCollection 2019.
Rieckmann P, Schwab M, Pöhlau D, Penner IK, Wagner T, Schel E, Bayas A. Adherence to Subcutaneous IFN beta-1a in Multiple Sclerosis: Final Analysis of the Non-Interventional Study READOUTsmart Using the Dosing Log and Readout Function of RebiSmart®. Adv Ther. 2019;36:175-186. doi: 10.1007/s12325-018-0839-1. Epub 2018 Nov 28.
Gasperi C, Salmen A, Antony G, Bayas A, Heesen C, Kümpfel T, Linker RA, Paul F, Stangel M, Tackenberg B, Bergh FT, Warnke C, Weber F, Wiendl H, Wildemann B, Zettl UK, Ziemann U, Zipp F, Tumani H, Gold R, Hemmer B; German Competence Network of Multiple Sclerosis. Association of Intrathecal Immunoglobulin G Synthesis With Disability Worsening in Multiple Sclerosis. JAMA Neurol. 2019;76: 841-849. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.0905
Johnen A, Bürkner PC, Landmeyer NC, Ambrosius B, Calabrese P, Motte J, Hessler N, Antony G, König IR, Klotz L, Hoshi MM, Aly L, Groppa S, Luessi F, Paul F, Tackenberg B, Bergh FT, Kümpfel T, Tumani H, Stangel M, Weber F, Bayas A, Wildemann B, Heesen C, Zettl UK, Zipp F, Hemmer B, Meuth SG, Gold R, Wiendl H, Salmen A; German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS). Can we predict cognitive decline after initial diagnosis of multiple sclerosis? Results from the German National early MS cohort (KKNMS).J Neurol. 2018 Dec 4. doi: 10.1007/s00415-018-9142-y. [Epub ahead of print]
Rieckmann P, Schwab M, Pöhlau D, Penner IK, Wagner T, Schel E, Bayas A. Adherence to Subcutaneous IFN β-1a in Multiple Sclerosis: Final Analysis of the Non-Interventional Study READOUTsmart Using the Dosing Log and Readout Function of RebiSmart®. Adv Ther. 2018 Nov 28. doi: 10.1007/s12325-018-0839-1. [Epub ahead of print]
International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium. Low-Frequency and Rare-Coding Variation Contributes to Multiple Sclerosis Risk. Cell. 2018 Nov 29;175(6):1679-1687.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.09.049. Epub 2018 Oct 18.
Hammer A, Waschbisch A, Kuhbandner K, Bayas A, Lee DH, Duscha A, Haghikia A, Gold R, Linker RA. The NRF2 pathway as potential biomarker for dimethyl fumarate treatment in multiple sclerosis. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2018 Apr 16;5(6):668-676. doi: 10.1002/acn3.553. eCollection 2018 Jun.
Tryptophan immunoadsorption during pregnancy and breastfeeding in patients with acute relapse of multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica. // Hoffmann F, Kraft A, Heigl F, Mauch E, Koehler J, Harms L, Kümpfel T, Köhler W, Ehrlich S, Bayas A, Weinmann-Menke J, Beuker C, Henn KH, Ayzenberg I, Ellrichmann G, Hellwig K, Klingel R, Fassbender CM, Fritz H, Slowinski T, Weihprecht H, Brand M, Stiegler T, Galle J, Schimrigk S. Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2018 May 28;11:1756286418774973. doi: 10.1177/1756286418774973. eCollection 2018.
Alemtuzumab as rescue therapy in a cohort of 50 relapsing-remitting MS patients with breakthrough disease on fingolimod: a multi-center observational study. // Huhn K, Bayas A, Doerck S, Frank B, Gerbershagen K, Hellwig K, Kallmann B, Kleinschnitz C, Kleiter I, Lee DH, Limmroth V, Mäurer M, Meuth S, Rieckmann P, Ruck T, Gold R, Linker RA. J Neurol. 2018 Apr 25. doi: 10.1007/s00415-018-8871-2. [Epub ahead of print]
von Bismarck O, Dankowski T, Ambrosius B, Hessler N, Antony G, Ziegler A, Hoshi MM, Aly L, Luessi F, Groppa S, Klotz L, Meuth SG, Tackenberg B, Stoppe M, Then Bergh F, Tumani H, Kümpfel T, Stangel M, Heesen C, Wildemann B, Paul F, Bayas A, Warnke C, Weber F, Linker RA, Ziemann U, Zettl UK, Zipp F, Wiendl H, Hemmer B, Gold R, Salmen A. Treatment choices and neuropsychological symptoms of a large cohort of early MS. // Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2018 Mar 1;5(3):e446. doi: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000000446. eCollection 2018 May.
Hammer A, Waschbisch A, Knippertz I, Zinser E, Berg J, Jörg S, Kuhbandner K, David C, Pi J, Bayas A, Lee DH, Haghikia A, Gold R, Steinkasserer A, Linker RA. Role of Nuclear Factor (Erythroid-Derived 2)-Like 2 Signaling for Effects of Fumaric Acid Esters on Dendritic Cells. Front Immunol. 2017 Dec 22;8:1922. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01922. eCollection 2017.
Rovituso DM, Scheffler L, Wunsch M, Kleinschnitz C, Dörck S, Ulzheimer J, Bayas A, Steinman L, Ergün S, Kuerten S. CEACAM1 mediates B cell aggregation in central nervous system autoimmunity. Sci Rep. 2016 Jul 20; 6:29847.
Ziemssen T, Gass A, Wuerfel J, Bayas A, Tackenberg B, Limmroth V, Linker R, Mäurer M, Haas J, Stangel M, Meergans M, Harlin O, Hartung HP. Design of TRUST, a non-interventional, multicenter, 3-year prospective study investigating an integrated patient management approach in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis treated with natalizumab. BMC Neurol. 2016 Jul 12; 16:98.
Andlauer TFM, Buck D, Antony G, Bayas A, Bechmann L, Berthele A, Chan A, Gasperi A, Gold R, Graetz C, Haas J, Hecker M, Infante-Duarte C, Knop M, Kümpfel T, Limmroth V, Linker R, Loleit V, Luessi F, Meuth S, Mühlau M, Nischwitz S, Paul F, Pütz M, Ruck T, Salmen A, Stangel M, Stellmann J-P, Stürner K, Tackenberg B, Then Berg F, Tumani H, Warnke C, Weber F, Wiendl H, Wildemann B, Zettl U, Ziemann U, Zipp F, Arloth, J, Weber P, Radivojkov-Blagojevic M, Scheinhardt M, Dankowski T, Bettecken T, Lichtner P, Czamara D, Carrillo Roa T, Binder E, Berger K, Bertram L, Franke A, Gieger C, Herms S, Homuth G, Ising M, Jöckel K-H, Kacprowski T, Kloiber S, Laudes M, Lieb W, Lill C, Lucae S, Meitinger T, Moebus S, Müller-Nurasyid M, Nöthen M, Petersmann A, Rawal R, Schminke U, Strauch K, Völzke H, Waldenberger M, Wellmann J, Porcu E, Mulas A, Pitzalis M, Sidore C, Zara I, Cucca F, Zoledziewska M, Ziegler A, Hemmer B, Müller-Myhsok B. Novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci implicated in epigenetic regulation. Sci Adv. 2016 Jun 17; 2(6):e1501678. eCollection 2016 Jun.
Bayas A, Schuh K, Baier M, Vormfelde SV for the REGAIN Study Group. Combination treatment of fingolimod with antidepressants in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients with depression: A multicentre, open-label study - REGAIN. Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2016 Sep; 9(5):378-88. Epub 2016 Jun 3
Wunsch M, Hohmann C, Milles B, Rostermund C, Lehmann PV, Schroeter M, Bayas A, Ulzheimer J, Mäurer M, Ergün S, Kuerten S. The Correlation between the Virus- and Brain Antigen-Specific B Cell Response in the Blood of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Viruses. 2016 Apr 23; 8(4):105
Wiendl H, Butzkueven H, Kappos L, Trojano M, Pellegrini F, Paes D, Zhang A, Belachew S; Tysabri® Observational Program (TOP) Investigators. Epoch analysis of on-treatment disability progression events over time in the Tysabri Observational Program (TOP). PLoS One. 2016; 11(1): e0144834. Published online 2016 Jan 15. (listed as coinvestigator)
Dankowski T, Buck D, Andlauer TF, Antony G, Bayas A, Bechmann L, Berthele A, Bettecken T, Chan A, Franke A, Gold R, Graetz C, Haas J, Hecker M, Herms S, Infante-Duarte C, Jöckel KH, Kieseier BC, Knier B, Knop M, Kümpfel T, Lichtner P, Lieb W, Lill CM, Limmroth V, Linker RA, Loleit V, Meuth SG, Moebus S, Müller-Myhsok B, Nischwitz S, Nöthen MM, Paul F, Pütz M, Ruck T, Salmen A, Stangel M, Stellmann JP, Strauch K, Stürner KH, Tackenberg B, Then Bergh F, Tumani H, Waldenberger M, Weber F, Wiendl H, Wildemann B, Zettl UK, Ziemann U, Zipp F, Hemmer B, Ziegler A; German Competence Network for Multiple Sclerosis (KKNMS). Successful Replication of GWAS Hits for Multiple Sclerosis in 10,000 Germans Using the Exome Array. Genet Epidemiol. 2015 Dec; 39(8):601-8. Epub 2015 Oct 26.
Rovituso DM, Duffy CE, Schroeter M, Kaiser CC, Kleinschnitz C, Bayas A, Elsner R, Kuerten S. The brain antigen-specific B cell response correlates with glatiramer acetate responsiveness in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients. Sci Rep. 2015 Sep 21; 5:14265.
Kuhle J, Hardmeier M, Disanto G, Gugleta K, Ecsedi M, Lienert C, Amato MP, Baum K, Buttmann M, Bayas A, Brassat D, Brochet B, Confavreux C, Edan G, Färkkilä M, Fredrikson S, Frontoni M, D'Hooghe M, Hutchinson M, De Keyser J, Kieseier BC, Kümpfel T, Rio J, Polman C, Roullet E, Stolz C, Vass K, Wandinger KP, Kappos L; European Long-term Follow-up Study Group in Interferon β-1b in Secondary-progressive Multiple Sclerosis. A 10-year follow-up of the European multicenter trial of interferon β-1b in secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2016 Apr; 22(4):533-43. Epub 2015 Sep 11.
Rau D, Lang M, Harth A, Naumann M, Weber F, Tumani H, Bayas A. Listeria Meningitis Complicating Alemtuzumab Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis - Report of Two Cases. Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Jun 29; 16(7):14669-76.
Bayas A, Ouallet JC, Kallmann B, Hupperts R, Fulda U, Marhardt K, SMART study group. Adherence to, and effectiveness of, subcutaneous interferon β-1a administered by RebiSmart® in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis: results of the 1-year, observational SMART study. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2015 Aug; 12(8):1239-50. Epub 2015 Jun 22.
Bayas A, Mäurer M. Teriflunomide for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: patient preference and adherence. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2015 Feb 9; 9:265-74. eCollection 2015.
Bayas A, Baum K, Bitsch A, Haas J, Hellwig K, Lang M, Lee D.-H., Rosenkranz T, Schreiber M., Ulzheimer J.C., Ziemssen T. Ein Jahr Alemtuzumab – was haben wir in der Praxis gelernt? Experten-Erfahrungsaustausch zur Therapie der Multiplen Sklerose. Akt Neurol. 2015; 42:535-541.
Butzkueven H, Kappos L, Pellegrini F, Trojano M, Wiendl H, Patel RN, Zhang A, Hotermans C, Belachew S; TYSABRI Observational Program (TOP) Investigators. Efficacy and safety of natalizumab in multiple sclerosis: interim observational
programme results. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2014 Nov; 85(11):1190-7. Epub 2014 Feb 14. (listed as coinvestigator)
Kornek B, Aboul-Enein F, Rostasy K, Milos R-I, Steiner I, Penzien J, Hellwig K, Pitarokoili K, Storm van’s Gravesande K, Karenfort M, Blaschek A, Meyer A, Seidl R, Debelic D, Vass K, Prayer D, Kristoferitsch W, Bayas A. Natalizumab therapy for highly active pediatric multiple sclerosis. JAMA Neurol. 2013 Apr; 70(4):469-75. Published online February 18, 2013.
Bayas A. Improving adherence to injectable disease-modifying drugs in multiple sclerosis. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2013 Mar; 10(3):285-7. Epub 2013 Jan 23. (Editorial)
Bayas A, Mäurer M. Multiple Sklerose. Immunmodulierende Injektionstherapien in der Langzeitbehandlung. DNP – Der Neurologe & Psychiater. 2013; 14.
Gold R, Hartung H.-P, Stangel M, Wiendl H, Zipp F für die Teilnehmer eines Expertenmeetings. Therapieziele von Basis- und Eskalationstherapien zur Behandlung der schubförmig-remittierenden Multiplen Sklerose. Akt Neurol. 2012; 39:342–350.
Bayas A, Gold R, Naumann M. Long-term treatment of Lewis-Sumner Syndrome with subcutaneous immunoglobulin infusions. J Neurol Sci. 2013 Jan 15; 324(1-2):53-6. Epub 2012 Oct 23.
Bayas A, Penzien J, Hellwig K. Accidental natalizumab administration in pregnancy in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurol Scand. 2012 Jul; 126(1):e5-6.
Rieckmann P, Heidenreich F, Sailer M., Zettl UK, Zessack N, Hartung HP, Gold R. Treatment de-escalation after mitoxantrone therapy: results of a phase IV, multicentre, open-label, randomized study of subcutaneous interferon beta-1a in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis. Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2012 Jan; 5(1):3-12. (listed as member of the study group)
Bayas A*, Stasiolek M*, Kruse N*, Toyka KV, Selmaj K, Gold R. Altered innate immune response of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in multiple sclerosis. Clin Exp Immunol. 2009 Sep; 157(3):332-42. *equally contributing
Stasiolek M*, Bayas A*, Kruse N, Wieczarkowiecz A, Toyka KV, Gold R, Selmaj K. Impaired maturation and altered regulatory function of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in multiple sclerosis. Brain. 2006 May; 129(Pt 5):1293-305. Epub 2006 Mar 2. *equally contributing
Bayas A, Kruse N, Moriabadi NF, Weber F, Hummel V, Wohleben G, Gold R, Toyka KV, Rieckmann P. Modulation of cytokine mRNA expression by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) in human immune cells. Neurosci Lett. 2003 Jan 2; 335(3):155-8.
Bayas A, Hummel V, Kallmann BA, Karch C, Toyka KV, Rieckmann P. Human cerebral endothelial cells are a potential source for bioactive BDNF. Cytokine. 2002 Jul 21; 19(2):55-8.
Kallmann BA, Wagner S, Hummel V, Buttmann M, Bayas A, Tonn JC, Rieckmann P. Characteristic gene expression profile of primary human cerebral endothelial cells. FASEB J. 2002 Apr; 16(6):589-91.
Hummel V, Kallmann BA, Wagner S, Füller T, Bayas A, Tonn C, Benveniste EN, Toyka KV, Rieckmann P. Production of MMPs in human cerebral endothelial cells and their role in shedding adhesion molecules. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2001 Apr; 60(4):320-7.
Prof. Dr. med. M. Ertl
Ertl, M., Meisinger, C., Linseisen, J., Baumeister, S., Zickler, P. Naumann, M. Long-Term Outcomes in Patients with Stroke after in-Hospital Treatment—Study Protocol of the Prospective Stroke Cohort Augsburg (SCHANA Study). Medicina 2020, 56(6), 280.
Kilic M, Kenny P, Theiss S, Webert M, Hirschmann N, Wagner A, Boy S, Ertl M, Linker RA, Schlachetzki F, Baldaranov D. Prehospital Identification of Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion - A Stroke Education Program and Transcranial Ultrasound for Paramedics. Austin J Clin Neurol 2020; 7(2): 1142
Ertl M, Woeckel M, Maurer C. Differentiation Between Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Strokes - A Pilot Study with Transtemporal Investigation of Brain Parenchyma Elasticity Using Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography. Ultraschall Med. 2020 Oct 9. English. doi: 10.1055/a-1248-2022. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33036048.
Ertl M, Knüppel C, Veitweber M, Wagner A, Pfister K, Wendl C, Baldaranov D, Beck J, Linker RA, Schlachetzki F. Normal Age- and Sex-Related Values of the Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter and Its Dependency on Position and Positive End-Expiratory Pressure. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2020 Sep 19:S0301-5629(20)30392-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2020.08.025
Bohmann FO, Kurka N, du Mesnil de Rochemont, Richard, Gruber K, Günther J, Rostek P, Rai H, Zickler P, Ertl M, Berlis A: Simulation-based Training of the Rapid Evaluation and Management of Acute Stroke (STREAM)–a multicentric prospective interventional trial. Frontiers in Neurology 2019;10:969.
Ertl M, Raasch N, Hammel G, Harter K, Lang C Transtemporal investigation of brain parenchyma elasticity using 2-D shear wave elastography – definition of age matched normal values. Ultrasound Med Biol.
Ertl M, Beck C, Kühlbach B, Hartmann J, Hammel G, Straub A, Giemsa E, Seubert S, Philipp A, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Soentgen J, Jacobeit J, Naumann M. New Insights into Weather and Stroke: Influences of Specific Air Masses and Temperature Changes on Stroke Incidence. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2019 Jul 25:1-10.
Ertl M, Raasch N, Hammel G, Harter K, Lang C. Transtemporal Investigation of Brain Parenchyma Elasticity Using 2-D Shear Wave Elastography: Validation Appreciated! Ultrasound Med Biol. 2019 May;45(5):1344.
Ertl M, Weber S, Hammel G, Schroeder C, Krogias C. Transorbital Sonography for Early Prognostication of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy After Cardiac Arrest. J Neuroimaging. 2018 Sep;28(5):542-548.
Ertl M, Aigner R, Krost M, Karnasová Z, Müller K, Naumann M, Schlachetzki F. Measuring changes in the optic nerve sheath diameter in patients with idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus: a useful diagnostic supplement to spinal tap tests. Eur J Neurol. 2016 Dec 15.
Purrucker JC, Haas K, Rizos T, Khan S, Poli S, Kraft P, Kleinschnitz C, Dziewas R, Binder A, Palm F, Jander S, Soda H, Heuschmann PU, Dichgans M, Gröschel K, Eicke M, Ertl M, Hennerici MG, Hobohm C, Höhle T, Jüttler E, Khaw A, Kraft A, Köhrmann M, Meisel F, Neumann-Haefelin T, Opherk C, Röther J, Schmid E, Seidel G, Tanislav C, Thomalla G, Wartenberg K, Weimar C. Veltkamp R; RASUNOA Investigators (Registry of Acute Stroke Under New Oral Anticoagulants). Coagulation Testing in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Taking Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants. Stroke. 2016 Nov 29.
Ertl M, Schierling W, Kasprzak PM, Kopp R, Brückl C, Schlachetzki F, Pfister K. Sonographic Changes in Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter Associated with Supra-versus Infrarenal Aortic Aneurysm Repair. J Neuroimaging. 2016 Aug 22. doi:10.1111/jon.12385.
Pfadenhauer K., Ertl M., Berlis A., Hittinger M., Cerebral Ischemia as a Complication of Active Giant Cell Arteritis: Clinical and Diagnostic Findings in 36 Patients. Akt Neurol 2016;
43(08): 485-4
Fichtner J, Ulrich CT, Fung C, Knüppel C, Veitweber M, Jilch A, Schucht P, Ertl M, Schömig B, Gralla J, Z'Graggen WJ, Bernasconi C, Mattle HP, Schlachetzki F, Raabe A, Beck J. Management of spontaneous intracranial hypotension - Transorbital ultrasound as discriminator. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2015 Aug18.
Ertl M, Schierling W, Kasprzak P, Schömig B, Brückl C, Schlachetzki F, Pfister K. Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter Measurement to Identify High-Risk Patients for Spinal Ischemia after Endovascular Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair. J Neuroimaging. 2015 Mar 19.
Altmann M*, Ertl M*, Helbig H, Schömig B, Bogdahn U, Gamulescu MA, Schlachetzki F. Low Endogenous Recanalization in Embolic Central Retinal Artery Occlusion-The Retrobulbar "Spot Sign". J Neuroimaging. 2014 Mar 19.
Herzberg M, Boy S, Hölscher T, Ertl M, Zimmermann M, Ittner KP, Pemmerl J, Pels H, Bogdahn U, Schlachetzki F. Prehospital stroke diagnostics based on neurological examination and transcranial ultrasound. Crit Ultrasound J. 2014 Feb 27;6(1):3.
Ertl M, Altmann M, Torka E, Helbig H, Bogdahn U, Gamulescu A, Schlachetzki F. The Retrobulbar "Spot Sign" as a Discriminator Between Vasculitic and Thrombo-Embolic Affections of the Retinal Blood Supply. Ultraschall Med. 2012 Sep 21.
Schlachetzki F, Herzberg M, Holscher T, Ertl M, Zimmermann M, Ittner KP, et al. Transcranial Ultrasound from Diagnosis to Early Stroke Treatment - Part 2: Prehospital Neurosonography in Patients with Acute Stroke - The Regensburg Stroke Mobile Project. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2012 Jan 19;33(3):262-71.
Ertl M, Schuierer G, Bogdahn U, Schlachetzki F. Altered cerebral collateralization in patients with left brachiocephalic trunk occlusion and a right descending aorta. Ultraschall Med. 2011 Oct;32(5):433-6.
Röhrer C, Ertl M, Altmann M, Kasprzak P, Bogdahn U, Schuierer G. Internal carotid artery pseudo occlusion with embolic cerebral ischemia and low flow in the central retinal artery: a diagnostic challenge; PAGEPress, Italy Clinics and Practice 2011; 1:e62
Dr. med. Korbinian Holzapfel
Holzapfel K, Naumann M. Ultrasound detection of vagus nerve atrophy in bulbar amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neuroimaging 2020;0:1-4; DOI 10:1111/jon.12761
Holzapfel, K., Ghosh, T., Krischak, S. & Naumann, M. (2022). Nerve Echogenicity: Changes in High-Resolution Nerve Ultrasound in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome after Surgery. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 48(2), 223–227. doi.org/10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2021.10.005
Univ.- Prof. Dr. Markus Naumann
Holzapfel K, Naumann M. Ultrasound detection of vagus nerve atrophy in bulbar amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neuroimaging 2020;0:1-4; DOI 10:1111/jon.12761 IF 1.953
Ertl Michael, Meisinger Christa, Linseisen Jakob, Baumeister Sebastian-Edgar, Zickler Philipp, Naumann Markus. Long-term outcomes in patients with stroke after in-hospital treatment – study protocol of the prospective Stroke Cohort Augsburg (SCHANA study). Medicina (Kaunas). 2020 Jun 6;56(6):280. doi: 10.3390/medicina56060280. IF 1.50
Ertl M, Beck C, Kühlbach B, Hartmann J, Hammel G, Straub A, Giemsa E, Seubert S, Philipp A, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Soentgen J, Jacobeit J, Naumann M. New Insights into Weather and Stroke: Influences of Specific Air Masses and Temperature Changes on Stroke Incidence. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2019;47(5-6):275-284. IF 2.68
Steigerwald F, Dala Anna l K, Andrea A. Kühn, Andreas Kupsch, Joerg Mueller, Wilhelm Eisner, Günther Deuschl, Daniela Falk, Alfons Schnitzler, Inger Marie Skogseid,Juliane Vollmer-Haase, Chi W. Ip, Volker Tronnier, Vesper J, Naumann M, Volkmann J and for the DBS study group for dystonia. Evaluation of a programming algorithm for deep brain stimulation in dystonia used in a double-blind, sham-controlled multicenter study. Neurological Research and Practice 2019, 1:25
Weise D, Weise CM, Naumann M. Central Effects of Botulinum Neurotoxin-Evidence from Human Studies. Toxins (Basel). 2019 Jan 6;11(1). IF 3.895
Schneider C, Naumann M. Botulinumtoxin in der Neurologie. Arzneimitteltherapie 2019; 37:256-263. (IF: Coming soon)
Ertl M, Beck C, Kühlbach B, Hartmann J, Hammel G, Straub A, Giemsa E, Seubert S, Philipp A, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Soentgen J, Jacobeit J, Naumann M. New Insights into Weather and Stroke: Influences of Specific Air Masses and Temperature Changes on Stroke Incidence. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2019 Jul 25:1-10.
Rosenbohm A, Peter RS, Erhardt S, Lulé D, Rothenbacher D, Ludolph AC, Nagel G; ALS Registry Study Group. Epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Southern Germany. J Neurol. 2017 Feb 20. doi: 10.1007/s00415-017-8413-3.
Simpson DM, Hallett M, Ashman EJ, Comella CL, Green MW, Gronseth GS, Armstrong MJ, Gloss D, Potrebic S, Jankovic J, Karp BP, Naumann M, So YT, Yablon SA. Practice guideline update summary: Botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, adult spasticity, and headache: Report of the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2016 May
Hosp C, Naumann MK, Hamm H. Botulinum Toxin Treatment of Autonomic Disorders: Focal Hyperhidrosis and Sialorrhea. Semin Neurol. 2016 Feb;36(1):20-8.
Naumann M. Clinical comparison of botulinum toxin in motor and autonomic disorders: Similarities and differences.Toxicon. 2015 Dec 1;107(Pt A):68-71
Uenal H, Rosenbohm A, Kufeldt J, Weydt P, Goder K, Ludolph A, Rothenbacher D, Nagel G; ALS registry Study Group. Incidence and geographical variation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Southern Germany--completeness of the ALS registry Swabia. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 10;9(4):e93932
Naumann M, Dressler D, Hallett M, Jankovic J, Schiavo G, Segal KR, Truong D. Evidence-based review and assessment of botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of secretory disorders. Toxicon. 2013 Jun 1;67:141-52
Nagel G, Unal H, Rosenbohm A, Ludolph AC, Rothenbacher D; ALS Registry Study Group. Implementation of a population-based epidemiological rare disease registry: study protocol of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)--registry Swabia. BMC Neurol. 2013 Feb 17;13:22
Bayas A, Gold R, Naumann M. Long-term treatment of Lewis-Sumner syndrome with subcutaneous immunoglobulin infusions. J Neurol Sci. 2013 Jan 15;324(1-2):53-6
Volkmann J, Wolters A, Kupsch A, Müller J, Kühn AA, Schneider GH, Poewe W, Hering S, Eisner W, Müller JU, Deuschl G, Pinsker MO, Skogseid IM, Roeste GK, Krause M, Tronnier V, Schnitzler A, Voges J, Nikkhah G, Vesper J, Classen J, Naumann M, Benecke R; DBS study group for dystonia. Pallidal deep brain stimulation in patients with primary generalised or segmental dystonia: 5-year follow-up of a randomised trial. Lancet Neurol. 2012 Dec;11(12):1029-38
Bender A, Howell K, Frey M, Berlis A, Naumann M, Buheitel G. Bilateral loss of cortical SSEP responses is compatible with good outcome after cardiac arrest. J Neurol. 2012 Nov;259(11):2481-3
Hosp C, Naumann MK, Hamm H. Botulinum toxin in focal hyperhidrosis. An update]. Hautarzt. 2012 Jun;63(6):469-76
Naumann M, So Y, Argoff CE, Childers MK, et al, Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Assessment: Botulinum neurotoxin in the treatment of autonomic disorders and pain (an evidence-based review): report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2008;70(19):1707-14.
Simpson DM, Blitzer A, Brashear A, Naumann M, So Y; Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Assessment: Botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of movement disorders (an evidence-based review): report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2008;70(19):1699-706.
Simpson DM, Gracies JM, Graham HK, Miyasaki JM, Naumann M, et al; Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology Assessment: Botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of spasticity (an evidence-based review): report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2008;70(19):1691-8.
Weise D, Schramm A, Stefan K, Wolters A, Reiners K, Naumann M, Classen J. The two sides of associative plasticity in writer's cramp. Brain. 2006 Oct;129(Pt 10):2709-21.
Kupsch A, Benecke R, Müller J,..., Naumann M, Volkmann J. Pallidal deep-brain stimulation in primary generalized or segmental dystonia. N Engl J Med. 2006;9;355(19):1978-90.
Wolters A, Schmidt A, Schramm A, Zeller D, Naumann M, Kunesch E, Benecke R, Reiners K, Classen J. Timing-dependent plasticity in human primary somatosensory cortex. J Physiol. 2005 Jun 15;565(Pt 3):1039-52
Hoffmann GF, Assmann B, Bräutigam C, Dionisi-Vici C, Häussler M, deKlerk J, Naumann M, Steenbergen-Spanjers G, Strasburg H, Wevers R. Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency causes encephalopathy and not DOPA non-responsive dystonia. Ann Neurol 2003;54:S56-65
Wessig C, Klein R, Schneider M, Toyka KV, Sommer C, Naumann M. Neuropathology and antibody-binding studies in anti-amphiphysin-associated stiff person syndrome with encephalopathy. Neurology 2003;61:195-198
Kruse N, Berg D, Francis MJ, Naumann M, Rausch WD, Reiners K, Rieckmann P, Weishaupt A, Becker G. Reduction od Menkes mRNA and copper in leucocytes of patients with primary adult-onset dystonia. Ann Neurol 2001:49:405-408
Asmus, F, Zimprich A, Naumann M, Berg D, Bertram M, Ceballos-Baumann A, Pruszak-Seel R, Kabus C, Dichgans M, Fuchs S, Muller-Myhsok B, Gasser T. Inherited myclonus-dystonia syndrome: Narrowing the 7q21-q31 Locus in German Families. Ann Neurol 2001;9:218-220
Naumann M, Magyar S, Reiners K, Erbguth F, Leenders KL. Sensory tricks in cervical dystonia: perceptual dysbalance of parietal cortex modulates frontal motor programming. Ann Neurol 2000;47:322-328
Berg D, Weishaupt A, Francis MJ, Miura N, Yang XL, Naumann M, Koltzenburg M, Reiners K, Becker G. Changes of the copper transporting proteins and coeruloplasmisn in the lentiform nuclei in primary adult-onset dystonia. Ann Neurol 2000;47:827-830
Dr. med. Peter Ratzka
Phenotyping of the thoracic-onset variant of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Kandler K, Witzel S, Eder K, Rothenbacher D, Nagel G, Peter RS, Schuster J, Dorst J, Rosenbohm A, Ludolph AC; ALS Registry Study Group. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2021 Oct 19
Life Course of Physical Activity and Risk and Prognosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in a German ALS Registry.
Rosenbohm A, Peter R, Dorst J, Kassubek J, Rothenbacher D, Nagel G, Ludolph AC; ALS Registry Swabia Study Group. Neurology. 2021 Nov 9;97(19):e1955-e1963
Epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Southern Germany.
Rosenbohm A, Peter RS, Erhardt S, Lulé D, Rothenbacher D, Ludolph AC, Nagel G; ALS Registry Study Group. J Neurol. 2017 Apr;264(4):749-757
Phenotypic differences of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in China and Germany.
Rosenbohm A, Liu M, Nagel G, Peter RS, Cui B, Li X, Kassubek J, Rothenbacher D, Lulé D, Cui L, Ludolph AC; ALS Registry Swabia Study Group. J Neurol. 2018 Apr;265(4):774-782
Association of Serum Retinol-Binding Protein 4 Concentration With Risk for and Prognosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Rosenbohm A, Nagel G, Peter RS, Brehme T, Koenig W, Dupuis L, Rothenbacher D, Ludolph AC; ALS Registry Study Group. JAMA Neurol. 2018 May 1;75(5):600-607
[Polyneuropathy as a sole syndrome in malignant thymoma].
Schmidt H, Kaboth U, Brinck U, Ratzka P, Rustenbeck H, Nau R. Nervenarzt. 2003 Oct;74(10):888-91
Ratzka P, Naumann M. Gezielte Diagnose und leitliniengerechte Therapie von Dystonien.
InFo Neurologie & Psychiatrie, Ausgabe: 4/2016
Rosenbohm A, Peter RS, Erhardt S, Lulé D, Rothenbacher D, Ludolph AC, Nagel G; ALS Registry Study Group. Epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Southern Germany.
J Neurol. 2017 Feb 20
Uenal H, Rosenbohm A, Kufeldt J, Weydt P, Goder K, Ludolph A, Rothenbacher D, Nagel G; ALS registry Study Group. Incidence and geographical variation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Southern Germany--completeness of the ALS registry Swabia. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 10;9(4)
Rosenbohm A, Kassubek J, Weydt P, Marroquin N, Volk AE, Kubisch C, Huppertz HJ, Weber M, Andersen PM, Weishaupt JH, Ludolph AC; ALS Schwaben Register Group. Can lesions to the motor cortex induce amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? J Neurol. 2014 Feb;261(2):283-90
Nagel G, Unal H, Rosenbohm A, Ludolph AC, Rothenbacher D; ALS Registry Study Group. Implementation of a population-based epidemiological rare disease registry: study protocol of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)--registry Swabia. BMC Neurol. 2013 Feb 17;13:22
Ratzka P, Schlachetzki JC, Bähr M, Nau R. Varicella zoster virus cerebellitis in a 66-year-old patient without herpes zoster. Lancet. 2006 Jan 14;367(9505)
Otto M, Cepek L, Ratzka P, Doehlinger S, Boekhoff I, Wiltfang J, Irle E, Pergande G, Ellers-Lenz B, Windl O, Kretzschmar HA, Poser S, Prange H. (2004): Efficacy of flupirtine on cognitive function in patients with CJD: A double-blind study. Neurology Mar 9;62(5):714-8.
Ratzka P, Döhlinger S, Cepek L, Steinacker P, Arlt S, Jacobi C, Schröter A, Wiltfang J, Prange H, Kretzschmar HA, Poser S, Otto M (2003): Different binding pattern of antibodies to prion protein on lymphocytes from patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neurosci Lett. 343(1), 29-32
Bitsch A, Horn C, Kemmling Y, Seipelt M, Hellenbrand U, Stiefel M, Ciesielczyk B, Cepek L, Bahn E, Ratzka P, Prange H, Otto M. Serum tau protein level as a marker of axonal damage in acute ischemic stroke. Eur Neurol. 2002;47(1):45-51.
Ratzka P, Schröter A, Cepek L, Henkel K, Wiltfang J, Kretzschmar HA, Prange H, Poser S, Otto M (2001): Unaltered apoptotic behaviour of mononuclear cells from patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. J Neurol. 248(8), 690-4
Otto M, Esselmann H, Schulz-Shaeffer W, Neumann M, Schröter A, Ratzka P, Cepek L, Zerr I, Steinacker P, Windl O, Kornhuber J, Kretzschmar HA, Poser S, Wiltfang J.
Decreased beta-amyloid1-42 in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neurology. 2000 Mar 14;54(5):1099-102.
PD Dr. med. Christine Schneider
Zrzavy T, Leutmezer F, Kristoferitsch W, Kornek B, Schneider C, Rommer P, Berger T, Zimprich A. Exome-sequence analyses of four multi-incident multiple sclerosis families. Genes 2020,11,988; doi:10.3390/genes [IF 3,76]
Wojtala J, Heber IA, Neuser P, Heller J, Kalbe E, Rehberg SP, Storch A, Linse K, Schneider C, Gräber S, Berg D, Dams J, Balzer-Geldsetzer M, Hilker-Roggendorf R, Oberschmidt C, Baudrexel S, Witt K, Schmidt N, Deuschl G, Mollenhauer B, Trenkwalder C, Liepelt-Scarfone I, Spottke A, Roeske S, Wüllner U, Wittchen HU, Riedel O, Dodel R, Schulz JB, Reetz K. Cognitive decline in Parkinson’s disease: the impact of the motor phenotype on cognition. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2019;90(2):171-179 [IF 8.33]
Schneider CB, Donix, M, Linse K, Werner A, Fauser M, Klingelhoefer L, Löhle M, von Kummer R, Reichmann H, LANDSCAPE Consortium, Storch A. Accelerated Age-Dependent Hippocampal Volume Loss in Parkinson Disease With Mild Cognitive Impairment. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen 2017; 32(6):313-319 [IF 1,86]
Schneider CB, Linse K, Schönfeld R, Brown S, Koch R, Reichmann H, Leplow B, Storch A. Virtual water maze in Parkinson’s disease mild cognitive impairment – a pilot study. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2017; 36:83-88 [IF 3,79]
Kalbe E, Rehberg SP, Heber I, Kronenbuerger M, Schulz JB, Storch, A, Linse K, Schneider C, Gräber S, Liepelt-Scarfone I, Berg D, Dams J, Balzer-Geldsetzer M, Hilker R, Oberschmidt C, Witt K, Schmidt N, Mollenhauer B, Trenkwalder C, Spottke A, Roeske S, Wittchen HU, Riedel O, Dodel R. Subtypes of mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson patients: evidence from the LANDSCAPE study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2016;87(10):1099-105 [IF 6,43]
Stamelou M, Schöpe J, Wagenpfeil S, Del Ser T, Bang J, Lobach IY, Luong P, Respondek G, Oertel HW, Boxer A, Höglinger U, AL-108-231 Investigators, Tauros Investigators, and MDS-Endorsed PSP Study Group. Power Calculations and placebo effect for future clinical trials in progressive supranuclear palsy. MovDisord 2016;31(5):742-47 [IF 6,01]
K-Y Ma J*, Schneider CB*, Hoffmann R, Storch A. Speech prosody across stimulus types for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. J Parkinsons Dis 2015; 5(2):291-9 (*contributed equally to the study) [IF 3,02]
Fauser M, Löhle M, Ebersbach G, Odin P, Fuchs G, Jost WH, Chaudhuri KR, Koch R; Ftaur, Storch A. Intraindividual variability of nonmotor fluctuations in advances Parkinson’s disease. J Parkinsons Dis 2015; 5:737-41 [IF 3,02]
Storch A, Schneider CB, Klingelhöfer L, Odin P, Fuchs G, Jost WH, Martinez-Martin P, Koch R, Reichmann H, Chaudhuri KR, NoMoFlu-PD study group, Ebersbach GJ. Quantitative assessment of non-motor fluctuations in Parkinson’s disease using the Non-Motor Symptoms Scale (NMSS).J Neural Transm 2015; 122;12: 1673-1684 [IF 2,59]
Gorges M, Müller HP, Lulé D, LANDSCAPE Consortium, Pinkhardt EH, Ludolph A, Kassubek J. To rise and to fall: functional connectivity in cognitively normal and cognitively impaired patients with Parkinson’s disease. Neurobiol Aging 2015; 36: 1727-35 [IF 5,15]
Pilhatsch M, Kroemer N, Schneider C, Ebersbach G, Jost WH, Fuchs G, Odin P, Reifschneider G, Bauer M, Reichmann H, Storch A. Reduced body mass index in Parkinson's disease - contribution of comorbid depression. J Nerv Ment Dis 2013; 201:76-79 [IF 1,81]
Storch A, Schneider CB, Wolz M, Stürwald Y, Nebe A, Odin P, Mahler A, Fuchs G, Jost WH, Chaudhuri KR, Koch R, Reichmann H, Ebersbach G. Nonmotor fluctuations in Parkinson disease: severity and correlation with motor complications. Neurology 2013;80(9):800-9 [IF 8,30]
Wolz M, Schleiffer C, Klingelhöfer L, Schneider C, Proft F, Schwanebeck U, Reichmann H, Riederer P, Storch A. Comparison of chocolate to cacao-free white chocolate in Parkinson’s disease: a single-dose, investigator-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. J Neurol 2012;259:2447-51 [IF 3,58]
Balzer-Geldsetzer M, Ferreira Braga da Costa AS, Kronenbürger M, Schulz JB, Röske S, Spottke A, Wüllner U, Klockgether T, Storch A, Schneider C, Riedel O, Wittchen HU, Seifried C, Hilker R, Schmidt N, Witt K, Deuschl G, Mollenhauer B, Trenkwalder C, Liepelt-Scarfone I, Gräber-Sultan S, Berg D, Gasser T, Kalbe E, Bodden M, Oertel WH, Dodel R. Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia: A Longitudinal Study (DEMPARK). Neuroepidemiology 2011;37:168-176 [IF 2,31]
Berg D, Godau J, Trenkwalder C, Eggert K, Csoti I, Storch A, Huber H, Morelli-Canelo M, Stamelou M, Ries V, Wolz M, Schneider C, Di Paolo T, Gasparini F, Hariry S, Nandemeulenbroecke M, Abi-Saab W, Johns D, Cooke K, Gomez-Mancilla B. AFQ056 treatment of levodopa-induced dyskinesias: Results of two randomized controlled trials. Mov Disord 2011;26(7):1243-50 [IF 4,51]
Wolz M, Löhle M, Strecker K, Schwanebeck U, Schneider C, Reichmann H, Grählert X, Schwarz J, Storch A. Levetiracetam for levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Neurol Transm 2010; 117(11): 1279-86 [IF 2,60]
Schneider CB, Pilhatsch M, Rifati M, Jost WH, Wodarz F, Ebersbach G, Djundja D, Fuchs G, Gies A, Odin P, Reifschneider G, Wolz M, Bottesi A, Bauer M, Reichmann H, Storch A. Utility of the WHO-5 Wellbeing Index as a screening tool for depression in Parkinson’s disease. MovDisord 2010; 25(6):769-75 [IF 4,48]
Schneider CB, Ziemssen T, Schuster B, Seo HS, Haehner A, Hummel T. Pupillary responses to intranasal trigeminal and olfactory stimulation. J Neural Transm 2009;116(7):885-889 [IF 2,26]
Schrezenmaier C, Singer W, Muenter Swift N, Sletten D, Tanabe J, Low PA. Adrenergic and Vagal Baroreflex Sensitivity in Autonomic Failure.ArchNeurol 2007;64:381-386 [IF 7,42]
Schrezenmaier C, Gehrking JA, Hines SM, Low PA, Benrud-Larson LM, Sandroni P. Evaluation of Orthostatic Hypotension: Relationship of a New Self-report Instrument to Laboratory-Based Measures. Mayo Clin Proc 2005; 80(3):330-334 [IF 4,81]
Schneider C, Naumann M. Botulinumtoxin in der Neurologie. Arzneimitteltherapie 2019;37:156-63
Mollenhauer B, Sixel-Döring F, Storch A, Schneider C, Hilker R, Kalbe E. Früherkennung der Prakinson-Krankheit. Objektivierbare nichtmotorische Symptome und Biomarker (Early recognition of Parkinson’s disease. Objectifiable non-motor symptoms and biomarkers). Nervenarzt 2013; 84:918-926 [IF 0,86]
Schneider C, Reichmann H. Idiopathisches Parkinsonsyndrom: Neuropsychiatrische Störungen beachten. DNP 2013; 14:42-45
Schneider CB, Storch A. Skalen und Scores zur Erfassung nichtmotorischer Symptome beim Morbus Parkinson. Nervenheilkunde 2012;31:879-883 [IF 0,28]
Storch A, Schneider C, Ebersbach G, Fuchs G, Jost WH, Odin P, Reifschneider G, Bauer M. Depression beim idiopathischen Parkinsonsyndrom – Teil 2: Therapie und Management. Fortschr Neurol Psychiat 2010; 78: 456-467 [IF 0,65]
Reichmann H, Schneider C, Löhle M. Non-motor features of Parkinson’s disease: depression and dementia. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2009; 15 Suppl 3: 87-92 [IF 2,41]
Schneider CB, Reichmann H. Behandlung von Depressionen bei Parkinson-Patienten. Arzneimitteltherapie 2009; 27(12):383-387
Schrezenmaier C, Ziemssen T, Reichmann H. Parkinsonsyndrome – Stellenwert nicht motorischer Störungen. DNP 2007;3:34-38
PD Dr. med. Hauke Schneider
Association of intraventricular fibrinolysis with clinical outcomes in ICH: an individual participant data meta-analysis. Kuramatsu JB, Gerner ST, Ziai WC, Bardutzky J, Sembill JA, Sprügel MI, Mrochen A, Kölbl K, Ram M, Avadhani R, Falcone GJ, Selim MH, Lioutas VA, Endres M, Zweynert S, Vajkoczy P, Ringleb PA, Purrucker JC, Volkmann J, Neugebauer H, Erbguth FJ, Schellinger PD, Knappe UJ, Fink GR, Dohmen C, Minnerup J, Reichmann H, Schneider H, et al. Stroke. 2022 May 6. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.038455. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35521958
Effect of Early vs Standard Approach to Tracheostomy on Functional Outcome at 6 Months Among Patients With Severe Stroke Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: The SETPOINT2 Randomized Clinical Trial. Bösel J, Niesen WD, Salih F, Morris NA, Ragland JT, Gough B, Schneider H, Neumann JO, Hwang DY, Kantamneni P, James ML, Freeman WD, Rajajee V, Rao CV, Nair D, Benner L, Meis J, Klose C, Kieser M, Suarez JI, Schönenberger S, Seder DB; SETPOINT2 and the IGNITE Study Groups. JAMA. 2022 May 17;327(19):1899-1909. doi: 10.1001/jama.2022.4798. PMID: 35506515
Seronegative myasthenic crisis: a multicenter analysis. Mergenthaler P, Stetefeld HR, Dohmen C, Kohler S, Schönenberger S, Bösel J, Gerner ST, Huttner HB, Schneider H, Reichmann H, Fuhrer H, Berger B, Zinke J, Alberty A, Kleiter I, Schneider-Gold C, Roth C, Dunkel J, Steinbrecher A, Thieme A, Lee DH, Linker RA, Angstwurm K, Meisel A, Neumann B; German Myasthenic Crisis Study Group. J Neurol. 2022 Apr 7:1-8. doi: 10.1007/s00415-022-11023-z. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35389099
CSF Findings in Acute NMDAR and LGI1 Antibody-Associated Autoimmune Encephalitis. Dürr M, Nissen G, Sühs KW, Schwenkenbecher P, Geis C, Ringelstein M, Hartung HP, Friese MA, Kaufmann M, Malter MP, Madlener M, Thaler FS, Kümpfel T, Senel M, Häusler MG, Schneider H, Bergh FT, Kellinghaus C, Zettl UK, Wandinger KP, Melzer N, Gross CC, Lange P, Dreyhaupt J, Tumani H, Leypoldt F, Lewerenz J; German Network for Research on Autoimmune Encephalitis. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2021 Oct 25;8(6):e1086. doi: 10.1212/NXI.0000000000001086. Print 2021 Nov. PMID: 34697224
Role of S100B Serum Concentration as a Surrogate Outcome Parameter After Mechanical Thrombectomy. Luger S, Koerbel K, Martinez Oeckel A, Schneider H, Maurer CJ, Hintereder G, Wagner M, Hattingen E, Foerch C. Neurology. 2021 Nov 30;97(22):e2185-e2194. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000012918. Epub 2021 Oct 11. PMID: 34635559
Vaccine-Induced Thrombocytopenia with Severe Headache. Salih F, Schönborn L, Kohler S, Franke C, Möckel M, Dörner T, Bauknecht HC, Pille C, Graw JA, Alonso A, Pelz J, Schneider H, Bayas A, Christ M, Kuramatsu JB, Thiele T, Greinacher A, Endres M.
N Engl J Med. 2021 Nov 25;385(22):2103-2105. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2112974. Epub 2021 Sep 15. PMID: 34525282
Endovascular Therapy for Stroke Due to Basilar-Artery Occlusion. Langezaal LCM, van der Hoeven EJRJ, Mont'Alverne FJA, de Carvalho JJF, Lima FO, Dippel DWJ, van der Lugt A, Lo RTH, Boiten J, Lycklama À Nijeholt GJ, Staals J, van Zwam WH, Nederkoorn PJ, Majoie CBLM, Gerber JC, Mazighi M, Piotin M, Zini A, Vallone S, Hofmeijer J, Martins SO, Nolte CH, Szabo K, Dias FA, Abud DG, Wermer MJH, Remmers MJM, Schneider H, Rueckert CM, de Laat KF, Yoo AJ, van Doormaal PJ, van Es ACGM, Emmer BJ, Michel P, Puetz V, Audebert HJ, Pontes-Neto OM, Vos JA, Kappelle LJ, Algra A, Schonewille WJ; BASICS Study Group.
N Engl J Med. 2021 May 20;384(20):1910-1920. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2030297. PMID: 34010530
MuSK-antibodies are associated with worse outcome in myasthenic crisis requiring mechanical ventilation. König N, Stetefeld HR, Dohmen C, Mergenthaler P, Kohler S, Schönenberger S, Bösel J, Lee DH, Gerner ST, Huttner HB, Schneider H, Reichmann H, Fuhrer H, Berger B, Zinke J, Alberty A, Kleiter I, Schneider-Gold C, Roth C, Dunkel J, Steinbrecher A, Thieme A, Schlachetzki F, Linker RA, Angstwurm K, Meisel A, Neumann B; German Myasthenic Crisis Study Group. J Neurol. 2021 Dec;268(12):4824-4833. doi: 10.1007/s00415-021-10603-9. Epub 2021 May 10. PMID: 33970337
Acute kidney injury in patients with malignant middle cerebral artery infarction undergoing hyperosmolar therapy with mannitol. Moustafa H, Schoene D, Altarsha E, Rahmig J, Schneider H, Pallesen LP, Prakapenia A, Siepmann T, Barlinn J, Passauer J, Reichmann H, Puetz V, Barlinn K. J Crit Care. 2021 Aug;64:22-28. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2021.02.007. Epub 2021 Feb 26. PMID: 33770572
Angstwurm K, Vidal A, Stetefeld H, Dohmen C, Mergenthaler P, Kohler S, Schönenberger S, Bösel J, Neumann U, Lee DH, Gerner ST, Huttner HB, Thieme A, Dunkel J, Roth C, Schneider H, Schimmel E, Reichmann H, Fuhrer H, Berger B, Kleiter I, Schneider-Gold C, Alberty A, Zinke J, Schalke B, Steinbrecher A, Meisel A, Neumann B. Early Tracheostomy Is Associated With Shorter Ventilation Time and Duration of ICU Stay in Patients With Myasthenic Crisis-A Multicenter Analysis. J Intensive Care Med. 2020 Nov 25:885066620967646. doi: 10.1177/0885066620967646. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33233998
Adlbrecht C, Wurm R, Depuydt P, Spapen H, Lorente JA, Staudinger T, Creteur J, Zauner C, Meier-Hellmann A, Eller P, Laenen MV, Molnár Z, Várkonyi I, Schaaf B, Héjja M, Šrámek V, Schneider H, Kanesa-Thasan N, Eder-Lingelbach S, Klingler A, Dubischar K, Wressnigg N, Rello J.Efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety of IC43 recombinant Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine in mechanically ventilated intensive care patients-a randomized clinical trial. Crit Care. 2020 Mar 4;24(1):74. doi: 10.1186/s13054-020-2792-z. PMID: 32131866
Neumann B, Angstwurm K, Mergenthaler P, Kohler S, Schönenberger S, Bösel J, Neumann U, Vidal A, Huttner HB, Gerner ST, Thieme A, Steinbrecher A, Dunkel J, Roth C, Schneider H, Schimmel E, Fuhrer H, Fahrendorf C, Alberty A, Zinke J, Meisel A, Dohmen C, Stetefeld HR; German Myasthenic Crisis Study Group. Myasthenic crisis demanding mechanical ventilation: A multicenter analysis of 250 cases. Neurology. 2020 Jan 21;94(3):e299-e313. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000008688. Epub 2019 Dec 4. PubMed PMID: 31801833
Kuramatsu JB, Biffi A, Gerner ST, Sembill JA, Sprügel MI, Leasure A, Sansing L, Matouk C, Falcone GJ, Endres M, Haeusler KG, Sobesky J, Schurig J, Zweynert S, Bauer M, Vajkoczy P, Ringleb PA, Purrucker J, Rizos T, Volkmann J, Müllges W, Kraft P, Schubert AL, Erbguth F, Nueckel M, Schellinger PD, Glahn J, Knappe UJ, Fink GR, Dohmen C, Stetefeld H, Fisse AL, Minnerup J, Hagemann G, Rakers F, Reichmann H, Schneider H, Rahmig, J et al. Association of Surgical Hematoma Evacuation vs Conservative Treatment With Functional Outcome in Patients With Cerebellar Intracerebral Hemorrhage. JAMA. 2019 Oct 8;322(14):1392-1403. doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.13014. PMID: 31593272
Neugebauer H, Schneider H, Kollmar R. Letter by Neugebauer et al. regarding article "Hypothermia after decompressive hemicraniectomy in treatment of malignant middle cerebral artery stroke: comment on the randomized clinical trial". Crit Care. 2019 Sep 17;23(1):315. doi: 10.1186/s13054-019-2600-9. PMID: 31530280
Rahmig J, Wöpking S, Jüttler E, Uhlmann L, Limprecht R, Barlinn J, Schackert G, Reichmann H, Schneider H. Decompressive Hemicraniectomy in Elderly Patients With Space-Occupying Infarction (DECAP): A Prospective Observational Study. Neurocrit Care. 2019 Aug;31(1):97-106. doi: 10.1007/s12028-018-0660-3. PubMed PMID: 30569269
Gerner ST, Kuramatsu JB, Sembill JA, Sprügel MI, Hagen M, Knappe RU, Endres M, Haeusler KG, Sobesky J, Schurig J, Zweynert S, Bauer M, Vajkoczy P, Ringleb PA, Purrucker JC, Rizos T, Volkmann J, Müllges W, Kraft P, Schubert AL, Erbguth F, Nueckel M, Schellinger PD, Glahn J, Knappe UJ, Fink GR, Dohmen C, Stetefeld H, Fisse AL, Minnerup J, Hagemann G, Rakers F, Reichmann H, Schneider H, Rahmig J, et al. Characteristics in Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulant-Related Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke. 2019 Jun;50(6):1392-1402. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.023492. Epub 2019 May 16. PubMed PMID: 31092170
Sprügel MI, Sembill JA, Kuramatsu JB, Gerner ST, Hagen M, Roeder SS, Endres M, Haeusler KG, Sobesky J, Schurig J, Zweynert S, Bauer M, Vajkoczy P, Ringleb PA, Purrucker JC, Rizos T, Volkmann J, Muellges W, Kraft P, Schubert AL, Erbguth F, Nueckel M, Schellinger PD, Glahn J, Knappe UJ, Fink GR, Dohmen C, Stetefeld H, Fisse AL, Minnerup J, Hagemann G, Rakers F, Reichmann H, Schneider H, Wöpking S, et al.. Heparin for prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in intracerebral haemorrhage. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2019 Jul;90(7):783-791. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2018-319786. Epub 2019 Apr 16. PMID: 30992334
Neugebauer H*, Schneider H*, Bösel J, Hobohm C, Poli S, Kollmar R, Sobesky J, Wolf S, Bauer M, Tittel S, Beyersmann J, Woitzik J, Heuschmann PU, Jüttler E. Outcomes of Hypothermia in Addition to Decompressive Hemicraniectomy in Treatment of Malignant Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurol. 2019 May 1;76(5):571-579. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.4822. PMID: 30657812.
Puetz V, Gerber JC, Krüger P, Kuhn M, Reichmann H, Schneider H. Cerebral Venous Drainage in Patients With Space-Occupying Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction: Effects on Functional Outcome After Hemicraniectomy. Front Neurol. 2018 Oct 17;9:876. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00876. PMID: 30459703
Schneider H, Huynh TJ, Demchuk AM, Dowlatshahi D, Rodriguez-Luna D, Silva Y, Aviv R, Dzialowski I; PREDICT/Sunnybrook ICH CTA Study Group. Combining Spot Sign and Intracerebral Hemorrhage Score to Estimate Functional Outcome: Analysis From the PREDICT Cohort. Stroke. 2018 May 2. pii: STROKEAHA.118.020679. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.020679. PMID: 29720436.
Kuramatsu JB, Sembill JA, Gerner ST, Sprügel MI, Hagen M, Roeder SS, Endres M, Haeusler KG, Sobesky J, Schurig J, Zweynert S, Bauer M, Vajkoczy P, Ringleb PA, Purrucker J, Rizos T, Volkmann J, Müllges W, Kraft P, Schubert AL, Erbguth F, Nueckel M, Schellinger PD, Glahn J, Knappe UJ, Fink GR, Dohmen C, Stetefeld H, Fisse AL, Minnerup J, Hagemann G, Rakers F, Reichmann H, Schneider H, Wöpking S, et al.. Management of therapeutic anticoagulation in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage and mechanical heart valves. Eur Heart J. 2018 Feb 24. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehy056. PMID: 29529259
Gerner ST, Kuramatsu JB, Sembill JA, Sprügel MI, Endres M, Haeusler KG, Vajkoczy P, Ringleb PA, Purrucker J, Rizos T, Erbguth F, Schellinger PD, Fink GR, Stetefeld H, Schneider H, Neugebauer H, Röther J, Claßen J, Michalski D, Dörfler A, Schwab S, Huttner HB. Association of prothrombin complex concentrates administration and hematoma enlargement in NOAC-related intracerebral hemorrhage. Ann Neurol. 2018 Jan 3. doi: 10.1002/ana.25134.PMID: 29314216
Rahmig J, Kuhn M, Neugebauer H, Jüttler E, Reichmann H, Schneider H. Normothermia after decompressive surgery for space-occupying middle cerebral artery infarction: a protocol-based approach. BMC Neurol. 2017 Dec 4;17(1):205.PMID: 29202815
Schneider H, Hertel F, Kuhn M, Ragaller M, Gottschlich B, Trabitzsch A, Dengl M, Neudert M, Reichmann H, Wöpking S. Decannulation and Functional Outcome After Tracheostomy in Patients with Severe Stroke (DECAST): A Prospective Observational Study. Neurocrit Care. 2017 Aug;27(1):26-34. PMID: 28324263
Schneider H, Krüger P, Algra A, Hofmeijer J, van der Worp HB, Jüttler E, Vahedi K, Schackert G, Reichmann H, Puetz V. No benefits of hypothermia in patients treated with hemicraniectomy for large ischemic stroke. Int J Stroke. 2017 Oct;12(7):732-740. PMID: 28350280
Luger S, Witsch, M, Dietz A, Hamann G, Minnerup J, Schneider H, Sitzer M, Wartenberg K, Foerch C.. Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) plasma levels distinguish between intracerebral hemorrhage and cerebral ischemia in the early phase of stroke. Clinical Chemistry. 2017 Jan;63(1):377-385.
Zheng D, Sato S, Arima H, Heeley E, Delcourt C, Cao Y, Chalmers J, Anderson CS; INTERACT2 Investigators. Estimated GFR and the Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering After Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Am J Kidney Dis. 2016 Jul;68(1):94-102.
Sato S, Delcourt C, Zhang S, Arima H, Heeley E, Zheng D, Al-Shahi Salman R, Stapf C, Tzourio C, Robinson T, Lindley RI, Chalmers J, Anderson CS; INTERACT2 Investigators. Determinants and Prognostic Significance of Hematoma Sedimentation Levels in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2016;41(1-2):80-6.
Gerber JC, Petrova M, Krukowski P, Kuhn M, Abramyuk A, Bodechtel U, Dzialowski I, Engellandt K, Kitzler H, Pallesen LP, Schneider H, von Kummer R, Puetz V, Linn J. Collateral state and the effect of endovascular reperfusion therapy on clinical outcome in ischemic stroke patients. Brain Behav. 2016 Jun 17;6(9):e00513.
Schönenberger S, Niesen WD, Fuhrer H, Bauza C, Klose C, Kieser M, Suarez JI, Seder DB, Bösel J; SETPOINT2-Study Group; IGNITE-Study Group. Early tracheostomy in ventilated stroke patients: Study protocol of the international multicenter randomized trial SETPOINT2 (Stroke-related Early Tracheostomy vs. Prolonged Orotracheal Intubation in Neurocritical care Trial 2). Int J Stroke. 2016 Apr;11(3):368-79.
Kowoll CM, Kaminski J, Weiß V, Bösel J, Dietrich W, Jüttler E, Flechsenhar J, Guenther A, Huttner HB, Niesen WD, Pfefferkorn T, Schirotzek I, Schneider H, Liebig T, Dohmen C. Severe Cerebral Venous and Sinus Thrombosis: Clinical Course, Imaging Correlates, and Prognosis. Neurocrit Care. Dec;25(3):392-399.
Sato S, Heeley E, Arima H, Delcourt C, Hirakawa Y, Pamidimukkala V, Li Z, Tao Q, Xu Y, Hennerici MG, Robinson T, Tzourio C, Lindley RI, Chalmers J, Anderson CS; INTERACT Investigators. Higher mortality in patients with right hemispheric intracerebral haemorrhage: INTERACT1 and 2. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2015 Dec;86(12):1319-23.
Kuramatsu JB, Gerner ST, Schellinger PD, (…), Reichmann H, Schneider H, Schimmel E, Fink GR, Dohmen C, Stetefeld H, Witte O, Günther A, Neumann-Haefelin T, Racs AE, Nueckel M, Erbguth F, Kloska SP, Dörfler A, Köhrmann M, Schwab S, Huttner HB. Anticoagulant reversal, blood pressure levels, and anticoagulant resumption in patients with anticoagulation-related intracerebral hemorrhage. JAMA. 2015 Feb 24;313(8):824-36.
Prestel J, Volkers P, Mentzer D, Lehmann HC, Hartung HP, Keller-Stanislawski B; GBS Study Group. Risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome following pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 vaccination in Germany. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2014 Nov;23(11):1192-204.
Pallesen LP, Schaefer J, Reuner U, Leonhardt H, Engellandt K, Schneider H, Reichmann H, Puetz V. Multiple brain abscesses in an immunocompetent patient after undergoing professional tooth cleaning. J Am Dent Assoc. 2014 Jun;145(6):564-8.
Jüttler E, Unterberg A, Woitzik J, Bösel J, Amiri H, Sakowitz OW, Gondan M, Schiller P, Limprecht R, Luntz S, Schneider H, Pinzer T, Hobohm C, Meixensberger J, Hacke W; DESTINY II Investigators. Hemicraniectomy in older patients with extensive middle-cerebral-artery stroke. N Engl J Med. 2014 Mar 20;370(12):1091-100.
Kepplinger J, Dzialowski I, Barlinn K, Puetz V, Wojciechowski C, Schneider H, Gahn G, Back T, Schackert G, Reichmann H, von Kummer R, Bodechtel U. Emergency transfer of acute stroke patients within the East Saxony telemedicine stroke network: a descriptive analysis. Int J Stroke. 2014 Feb;9(2):160-5.
Neugebauer H, Kollmar R, Niesen WD, Bösel J, Schneider H, Hobohm C, Zweckberger K, Heuschmann PU, Schellinger PD, Jüttler E; DEPTH-SOS Study Group; IGNITE Study Group. DEcompressive surgery Plus hypoTHermia for Space-Occupying Stroke (DEPTH-SOS): a protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial and a literature review. Int J Stroke. 2013 Jul;8(5):383-7.
Anderson CS, Heeley E, Huang Y, Wang J, Stapf C, Delcourt C, Lindley R, Robinson T, Lavados P, Neal B, Hata J, Arima H, Parsons M, Li Y, Wang J, Heritier S, Li Q, Woodward M, Simes RJ, Davis SM, Chalmers J; INTERACT2 Investigators. Rapid blood-pressure lowering in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage. N Engl J Med. 2013 Jun 20;368(25):2355-65.
Puetz V, Bodechtel U, Gerber JC, Dzialowski I, Kunz A, Wolz M, Hentschel H, Schultheiss T, Kepplinger J, Schneider H, Wiedemann B, Wojciechowski C, Reichmann H, Gahn G, von Kummer R. Reliability of brain CT evaluation by stroke neurologists in telemedicine. Neurology. 2013 Jan 22;80(4):332-8.
Gold R, Kappos L, Arnold DL, Bar-Or A, Giovannoni G, Selmaj K, Tornatore C, Sweetser MT, Yang M, Sheikh SI, Dawson KT; DEFINE Study Investigators. Placebo-controlled phase 3 study of oral BG-12 for relapsing multiple sclerosis. N Engl J Med. 2012 Sep 20;367(12):1098-107.
Kern S, Schultheiss T, Schneider H, Schrempf W, Reichmann H, Ziemssen T. Circadian cortisol, depressive symptoms and neurological impairment in early multiple sclerosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2011 Nov;36(10):1505-12.
Schneider H, Lingesleben A, Vogel HP, Garuti R, Calandra S. A novel mutation in the sterol 27-hydroxylase gene of a woman with autosomal recessive cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2010 Oct 6;5:27.
Kern S, Schrempf W, Schneider H, Schultheiss T, Reichmann H, Ziemssen T. Neurological disability, psychological distress, and health-related quality of life in MS patients within the first three years after diagnosis. Mult Scler. 2009 Jun;15(6):752-8.
Ziemssen T, Reichmann H, Schneider H. Presence of glatiramer acetate-specific TH2 cells in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis 12 months after the start of therapy with glatiramer acetate. J Neurodeg Regeneration. Fall 2008; Vol.1, No. 1, 19-22
Conrad K, Schneider H, Ziemssen T, Talaska T, Reinhold D, Humbel RL, Roggenbuck D. A new line immunoassay for the multiparametric detection of antiganglioside autoantibodies in patients with autoimmune peripheral neuropathies. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007 Aug;1109:256-64.
Ziemssen T, Kümpfel T, Schneider H, Klinkert WE, Neuhaus O, Hohlfeld R. Secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor by glatiramer acetate-reactive T-helper cell lines: Implications for multiple sclerosis therapy. J Neurol Sci. 2005 Jun 15;233(1-2):109-12.
Dr. med. Philipp Zickler
Bohmann FO, Gruber K, Kurka N, Willems LM, Herrmann E, du Mesnil de Rochemont R, Scholz P, Rai H, Zickler P, Ertl M, Berlis A, Poli S, Mengel A, Ringleb P, Nagel S, Pfaff J, Wollenweber FA, Kellert L, Herzberg M, Koehler L, Haeusler KG, Alegiani A, Schubert C, Brekenfeld C, Doppler CEJ, Onur ÖA, Kabbasch C, Manser T, Steinmetz H, Pfeilschifter W; STREAM Trial investigators. Simulation-based training improves process times in acute stroke care (STREAM).
Eur J Neurol. 2022 Jan;29(1):138-148.
Vollmuth C, Miljukov O, Abu-Mugheisib M, Angermaier A, Barlinn J, Busetto L, Grau AJ, Guenther A, Gumbinger C, Hubert N, Hüttemann K, Klingner C, Naumann M, Palm F, Remi J, Rücker V, Schessl J, Schlachetzki F, Schuppner R, Schwab S, Schwartz A, Trommer A, Urbanek C, Volbers B, Weber J, Wojciechowski C, Worthmann H, Zickler P, Heuschmann PU, Haeusler KG, Hubert GJ. Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on stroke teleconsultations in Germany in the first half of 2020.
Eur J Neurol. 2021 Oct;28(10):3267-3278.
Kainz A, Meisinger C, Linseisen J, Kirchberger I, Zickler P, Naumann M, Ertl M. Changes of Health-Related Quality of Life Within the 1st Year After Stroke-Results From a Prospective Stroke Cohort Study.
Frontiers in Neurology 2021 Oct 4;12:715313.
Barlinn J, Winzer S, Worthmann H, Urbanek C, Häusler KG, Günther A, Erdur H, Görtler M, Busetto L, Wojciechowski C, Schmitt J, Shah Y, Büchele B, Sokolowski P, Kraya T, Merkelbach S, Rosengarten B, Stangenberg-Gliss K, Weber J, Schlachetzki F, Abu-Mugheisib M, Petersen M, Schwartz A, Palm F, Jowaed A, Volbers B, Zickler P, Remi J, Bardutzky J, Bösel J, Audebert HJ, Hubert GJ, Gumbinger C. Telemedicine in stroke-pertinent to stroke care in Germany.
Nervenarzt. 2021 Jun;92(6):593-601.
Langezaal LCM, van der Hoeven EJRJ, Mont'Alverne FJA, de Carvalho JJF, Lima FO, Dippel DWJ, van der Lugt A, Lo RTH, Boiten J, Lycklama À Nijeholt GJ, Staals J, van Zwam WH, Nederkoorn PJ, Majoie CBLM, Gerber JC, Mazighi M, Piotin M, Zini A, Vallone S, Hofmeijer J, Martins SO, Nolte CH, Szabo K, Dias FA, Abud DG, Wermer MJH, Remmers MJM, Schneider H, Rueckert CM, de Laat KF, Yoo AJ, van Doormaal PJ, van Es ACGM, Emmer BJ, Michel P, Puetz V, Audebert HJ, Pontes-Neto OM, Vos JA, Kappelle LJ, Algra A, Schonewille WJ; (Zickler P contributed as investigator/member of the BASICS Study Group). Endovascular Therapy for Stroke Due to Basilar-Artery Occlusion.
N Engl J Med. 2021 May 20;384(20):1910-1920.
Ertl M, Meisinger C, Linseisen J, Baumeister SE, Zickler P, Naumann M. Long-Term Outcomes in Patients with Stroke after in-Hospital Treatment-Study Protocol of the Prospective Stroke Cohort Augsburg (SCHANA Study). Medicina (Kaunas) (2020), Jun 6;56(6):280
Maurer CJ, Dobrocky T, Joachimski F, Neuberger U, Demerath T, Brehm A, Cianfoni A, Gory B, Berlis A, Gralla J, Möhlenbruch MA, Blackham KA, Psychogios MN, Zickler P, Fischer S
Endovascular Thrombectomy of Calcified Emboli in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Multicenter Study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. (2020) Mar;41(3):464-468
Bohmann FO, Kurka N, du Mesnil de Rochemont, Richard, Gruber K, Günther J, Rostek P, Rai H, Zickler P, Ertl M, Berlis A: Simulation-based Training of the Rapid Evaluation and Management of Acute Stroke (STREAM)–a multicentric prospective interventional trial. Frontiers in Neurology 2019;10:969.
Wolfe GI et al. (Zickler P contributed as investigator/member of the MGTX Study Group). Long-term effect of thymectomy plus prednisone versus prednisone alone in patients with non-thymomatous myasthenia gravis: 2-year extension of the MGTX randomised trial. Lancet Neurol. 2019 Mar;18(3):259-268. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30392-2.
Wolfe GI et al. (Zickler P contributed as investigator/member of the MGTX study group). Randomized Trial of Thymectomy in Myasthenia Gravis.
N Engl J Med. 2016 Aug 11;375(6):511-22. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1602489.
Zickler P, Küry P, Gliem M, Hartung HP, Jander S. Differential patterns of local gene regulation in crush lesions of the rat optic and sciatic nerve: relevance to posttraumatic regeneration. Cell Physiol Biochem (2010), Aug 24;26(3):483-494.
Kremer D, Heinen A, Jadasz J, Göttle P, Zimmermann K, Zickler P, Jander S, Hartung HP, Küry P. p57kip2 is dynamically regulated in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and interferes with oligodendroglial maturation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2009), Jun 2;106(22):9087-92.
Zickler P, Hartung HP, Janssen H. ´Bubbles in the Brain´: Retrograde Venous Air Embolism in the Cavernous Sinus.
Eur Neurol (2009), Feb. 28;61(5):318.
Schroeter M, Zickler P, Denhardt DT, Hartung HP, Jander S. Increased thalamic neurodegeneration following ischemic cortical stroke in osteopontin-deficient mice. Brain (2006), Jun; 129(Pt 6):1426-1437.
Zickler P, Seitz RJ, Hartung HP, Hefter H. Bilateral medullary pyramid infarction. Neurology (2005), May 24; 64(10): 1801.
Küry P, Zickler P, Stoll S, Hartung, HP, Jander S. Osteopontin, a macrophage-derived matricellular glycoprotein, inhibits axon outgrowth.
FASEB J (2005), Mar; 19(3): 398-400.
Kang EM, Zickler PP, Burns S, Langemeijer SM, Brenner S, Phang OA, Patterson N, Harlan D, Tisdale JF. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation prevents diabetes in NOD mice but does not contribute to significant islet cell regeneration once disease is established.
Exp Hematol. 2005 Jun;33(6):699-705.
Schmidt M, Zickler P, Hoffmann G, Haas S, Wissler M, Muessig A, Tisdale JF, Kuramoto K, Andrews RG, Wu T, Kiem HP, Dunbar CE, von Kalle C. Polyclonal long-term repopulating stem cell clones in a primate model.
Blood. 2002 Oct 15;100(8):2737-43.
Schmidt M, Glimm H, Lemke N, Muessig A, Speckmann C, Haas S, Zickler P, Hoffmann G, Von Kalle C. A model for the detection of clonality in marked hematopoietic stem cells.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2001 Jun;938:146-55; discussion 155-6.
Kim HJ, Tisdale JF, Wu T, Takatoku M, Sellers SE, Zickler P, Metzger ME, Agricola BA, Malley JD, Kato I, Donahue RE, Brown KE, Dunbar CE. Many multipotential gene-marked progenitor or stem cell clones contribute to hematopoiesis in nonhuman primates.
Blood. 2000 Jul 1;96(1):1-8.
Ausgewählte Buchbeiträge der Klinik (alphabetisch nach Mitarbeitenden)
Bayas A (Hrsg.), Therapieadhärenz bei Multipler Sklerose. 1. Auflage. 2014. UNI-MED Verlag AG, Bremen, London, Boston.
Bayas A, Gold R. Neuroimmunologische Erkrankungen. In Supprian T, Naumann M (Hrsg.), Neuropsychiatrie: Psychiatrische Symptome bei neurologischen Erkrankungen. 2014. Kohlhammer Verlag.
Heuß D, Bayas A, Quasthoff S, Reichmann H, Sinnreich M, Sommer C, Zierz S. (Redaktionskomitee, federführend Heuß D). Diagnostik und Differenzialdiagnose bei Myalgien. In Leitlinien für Diagnostik und Therapie in der Neurologie, herausgegeben von der Kommission „Leitlinien“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie. 5. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. 2012. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.
Bayas A, Müllges W, Gold R. Guillain-Barré-Syndrom (akute entzündliche Polyradikuloneuritis AIDP): Diagnose, Differenzialdiagnose und Therapie. In Eckart J, Forst H, Briegel J (Hrsg.), Intensivmedizin. Loseblattwerk, Ecomed Verlag.
Ertl M, Mathias Altmann, Elisabeth Torka, Horst Helbig, Ulrich Bogdahn, Andreea Gamulescu, Felix Schlachetzki; The retrobulbar spot sign in sudden blindness – Sufficient to rule out vasculitis?, Perspectives in Medicine, Volume 1, Issues 1–12, September 2012, Pages 408-413, ISSN 2211-968X, 10.1016/j.permed.2012.02.048. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211968X12000551)
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Die interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Neuro-EHS"
Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Markus Naumann
Schlaganfälle sind laut WHO (2018) die zahlenmäßig bedeutendste umweltassoziierte Erkrankung. Aber auch bei anderen neurologischen Erkrankungen wie Multiple Sklerose (MS) und Parkinson sind Umwelteinflüsse hinsichtlich Entstehung und Krankheitsverlauf bekannt. Bei MS sieht man dies u.a an der geographischen Verteilung der Erkrankung. MS kommt in Ländern der äquatorialen Zone deutlich seltener vor als in Ländern, die entfernt vom Äquator gelegen sind, obgleich es Ausnahmen gibt. Kürzlich konnte ein Zusammenhang zwischen UV-Strahlung und Manifestation einer MS auch unabhängig vom Vitamin D-Spiegel nachgewiesen werden. Bei Parkinson sind bestimmte Schwermetalle oder Chemikalien, die z.B. in Herbiziden enthalten sind, als Auslöser nachgewiesen. Auch Veränderungen im Mikrobiom des Darmes werden als Krankheitsfaktor diskutiert. Bei Demenz und zahlreichen anderen neurologischen Erkrankungen werden ebenfalls Umweltfaktoren vermutet. Dabei besteht noch erheblicher Forschungsbedarf hinsichtlich der Zusammenhänge zwischen neurologischen Erkrankungen und auslösenden oder verstärkenden Umweltfaktoren. Am Beispiel der Luftschadstoffe zeigt sich, dass es eindeutige Zusammenhänge zu Schlaganfällen gibt (Lee et al. 2018), während Studien zu MS überwiegend keinen signifikanten Einfluss bei Erwachsenen (Bai et al. 2018), jedoch sehr wohl bei Kindern und Jugendlichen (Lavery et al. 2018) ergeben. Große Unsicherheiten bestehen auch in Bezug auf Parkinson, ersichtlich durch die Heterogenität der Studienergebnisse mit teils signifikanter Erhöhung des Risikos aufgrund von Luftschadstoff- Exposition (Hu et al. 2018), teils mit geringen Hinweisen auf einen Zusammenhang (Kasdagli et al. 2019).
Fast alle neurologischen Erkrankungen weisen seit Jahren in Europa steigende Raten von Neuerkrankungen auf; bei den Schlaganfällen liegt die Steigerung (in Deutschland) bei derzeit 2% im Jahr. Dies sind mehr als 20 Prozent in zehn Jahren. Der Schlaganfall ist auch aus diesem Grund eine volkswirtschaftlich sehr bedeutende Erkrankung, die – auch wenn heute wesentlich besser therapierbar, doch weiterhin der derzeit wichtigste Grund für die Entstehung bleibender Behinderungen darstellt. Personen mit neurologischen Vorerkrankungen müssen zudem als eine besonders vulnerable Bevölkerungsgruppe angesehen werden, bei denen die kurzzeitige Exposition auf schädliche Umweltfaktoren besonders gravierende Einflüsse auf den Krankheitsverlauf haben kann.
Diese Tatsachen sind der Grund dafür, dass in der Forschung mit Hochdruck weltweit zu Umweltfaktoren geforscht wird, die neurologische Erkrankungen auslösen oder deren Voranschreiten verstärken. Dabei kommt nicht nur Umweltverschmutzung oder der arbeitsbedingte Kontakt mit bestimmten Chemikalien in Frage, sondern auch Ernährung, das Mikrobiom und andere externe Einflüsse wie etwa atmosphärische Prozesse und lokale Wetterverhältnisse.
Aus diesen Gründen hat sich die Klinik für Neurologie und klinische Neurophysiologie am Augsburger Universitätsklinikum bereits sehr frühzeitig mit der Forschung im Bereich EHS befasst und schon 2015 erste gemeinsame interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekte in Kooperation mit Umweltforschern der Universität (Institut für Geographie, WZU) gestartet, in die auch das UNIKA-T (Epidemioloige, Umweltmedizin) und das Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) eingebunden sind. Unser gemeinsames Ziel ist, zu einem deutschlandweit einzigartigen Zentrum der Erforschung der Rolle von Umweltfaktoren bei der Entstehung und dem Verlauf von neurologischen Erkrankungen zu werden und innovative Maßnahmen der Prävention, der therapeutischen Intervention und der langfristigen Versorgung (inklusive Prävention von Rückfällen und vorzeitigem Tod) zu entwickeln.
Die AG Neuro-EHS wurde 2016 gegründet und hat bereits erfolgreich gemeinsam publiziert (Ertl et al, 2019) sowie mit der Einrichtung einer deutschlandweit einzigartigen Schlaganfallkohorte begonnen. Wir sehen das Potential für einen großen, deutschlandweit herausragenden klinischen Schwerpunkt, der für den Forschungsschwerpunkt EHS an der Universität Augsburg profilbildende Bedeutung haben wird. Insbesondere liegen einmalige Startbedingungen vor, weil die Universität Augsburg über eine hohe wissenschaftliche Expertise im Bereich Klima und Umwelt verfügt und die Neurologische Klinik des Universitätsklinikums Augsburg zu den größten in Deutschland mit großer Expertise insbesondere bei den genannten Erkrankungen mit entsprechend hohen Fallzahlen gehört. Dazu ermöglicht die epidemiologische und umweltmedizinische Expertise am UNIKA-T die umfassende Bearbeitung der drängenden Fragen zu diesen Krankheiten.
Mitglieder der AG Neuro-EHS sind u.a.:
Universitäsklinikum Augsburg
Universität Augsburg
Lehrstuhl für Epidemiologie, Universität Augsburg, Universitätsklinikum Augsburg
Lehrstuhl für Umweltmedizin, Universität Augsburg, Universitätsklinikum Augsburg
sowie: Helmholtz Zentrum München - Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt
Bai, L., Burnett, R. T., Kwong, J. C., Hystad, P., van Donkelaar, A., Brook, J. R., ... & Murray, B. J. (2018). Long-term exposure to air pollution and the incidence of multiple sclerosis: A population-based cohort study. Environmental research, 166, 437-443.
Ertl M, Beck C, Kühlbach B, Hartmann J, Hammel G, Straub A, Giemda E, Seubert S, Phillipp A, Traidl-Hoffmann, Soentgen J, Jacobeit J, Naumann M. (2019) New insights into weather and stroke: influences of specific air masses and temperature changes on stroke incidence. Cerebrovasc Dis; DOI 10.1159/000501843
Hu, C. Y., Fang, Y., Li, F. L., Dong, B., Hua, X. G., Jiang, W.,& Zhang, X. J. (2018). Association between ambient air pollution and Parkinson's disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Environmental research.
Kasdagli, M. I., Katsouyanni, K., Dimakopoulou, K., & Samoli, E. (2019). Air pollution and Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis up to 2018. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 222(3), 402-409.
Lavery, A. M., Waubant, E., Casper, T. C., Roalstad, S., Candee, M., Rose, J., ... & Rodriguez, M. (2018). Urban air quality and associations with pediatric multiple sclerosis. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 5(10), 1146-1153.
Lee, K. K., Miller, M. R., & Shah, A. S. (2018). Air pollution and stroke. Journal of stroke, 20(1), 2.