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Medical Information Sciences Vortragsreihe (2 CME Punkte) PD Dr.-Ing. Axel Loewe

Auf einen Blick:

Dienstag, 07.05.2024, 17:30 bis 19:00
Ort: Lecture Hall N2045 (Faculty of Applied Informatics)

Speaker: PD Dr.-Ing. Axel Loewe
Head of Computational Cardiac Modeling, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
„Modeling and Simulation of Cardiac Function: Combining Mechanistic Models and Artificial Intelligence“
We will introduce the concept of computational modeling & simulation of organ systems in the human body using the example of cardiac electrophysiology. According to the multi-scale nature of the biological system, we will start from the ion channel level and work our way up to the cellular and eventually organ scale. We will then use the concept of ensemble simulation spaces to discuss how modeling and simulation can be employed for digital twin applications enabling personalized medicine and for creating large virtual cohorts of digital chimeras enabling in silico trials and machine learning solutions. Applications include the identification of the best ablation and/or pharmacological strategy to treat atrial fibrillation and prediction of therapy success.
Dr. Axel Loewe heads the Computational Cardiac Modeling Group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology with a focus on cardiac electrophysiology and biomechanics. His group is committed to method development and the application of computational models to answer questions of clinical relevance at the intersection of engineering, computer science, and medicine. To develop methods and conduct simulation studies, methods of software engineering, algorithmics, numerics, signal processing, data analysis, and machine learning are used.Axel has a track record of fruitful collaboration with leading clinicians to optimize diagnosis and therapy of cardiac diseases. 
He studied Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in Karlsruhe and Stockholm and earned a PhD with distinction in Biomedical Engineering in 2013 from KIT. Habilitation "Modeling and Simulation for Medicine" in 2021. Reviewer and guest editor for >40 journals in the fields of Biomedical Engineering, Cardiology and Machine Learning >30 academic distinctions including Patient Safety Award 2018, Gips-Schüle Preis 2018, CinC Young Investigator award 2016.

Date: May 7th 2024 (starting 5:30 pm)
Place: Lecture Hall N2045 (Faculty of Applied Informatics)
The lecture will be live-streamed to the conference room of the Institute for Digital Medicine (IDM, Gutenbergstr. 7, 86356 Neusäß, Room 01.B001, first floor).
Please note: If you want to attend the live-stream, please send an informal message to idm@uk-augsburg.de in advance. 
We once again offer the chance to arrange informal individual meetings with the speaker to discuss related scientific questions. Please send an e-mail to office.bioinf@informatik.uni-augsburg.de to make an individual appointment.
The lecture will last 45 to 60 minutes and it will be followed by an open discussion. Each session will be rounded off with an informal get-together, where snacks and beverages will be served. Please feel free to join!
Please note: The MIS Guest Lecture Series will pause for three weeks due to Whitsun / Pentecost (“Pfingsten”) and it will continue on June 4th.
