• Aktuelles

Medical Information Sciences Vortragsreihe (2 CME Punkte)

Prof. Dr. Melanie Börries

Titel „Insights into the Molecular Tumor Board“

Auf einen Blick:

Dienstag, 18.07.2023, 17:30 bis 19:00
Ort: Universität Augsburg, FAI: Raum N2045

The lecture will be live-streamed to the conference room of the Institute for Digital Medicine (IDM, Gutenbergstr. 7, 86356 Neusäß, Room 1.B001)

Guest Lecture Series „Medical Information Sciences“
We are delighted that the guest lecture series Medical Information Sciences continues this semester, once again covering a variety of topics relating to medical information sciences. It will be held on a weekly basis on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 pm during this summer term with alternating venues and live-streaming to the other location (University Campus and University Hospital Augsburg, respectively).
For the last lecture of this summer term on next Tuesday, July 18th 2023, we cordially welcome
Prof. Dr. Melanie Börries
(Professor of Medical Bioinformatics and Director of the Institute of Medical Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, and Group Leader German Cancer Consortium, DKTK)

 „Insights into the Molecular Tumor Board“
The molecular tumor board brings together experts from various disciplines such as oncology, pathology, genetics, and bioinformatics. Together, they analyze the molecular characteristics of a tumor, captured through advanced technologies like next-generation sequencing. By identifying specific gene mutations, chromosomal aberrations, and other molecular alterations, physicians gain valuable insights into the biological properties of the tumor and develop personalized treatment recommendations for cancer patients. Thus, a crucial process for MTB decision-making is the analysis, compilation, and presentation of high-dimensional sequencing data, which are used for both preparation of and case presentation to all stakeholders. Processes and tools in use will be illustrated in the context of the molecular tumor board Freiburg.
Prof. Dr. Melanie Börries pursued an MD/PhD program as a scholarship recipient from 2001 to 2005 at the University of Basel and at the Medical University of Lübeck. She worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (University of Freiburg) from 2005 to 2009 and she was project leader at FRIAS from 2009 to 2012. Since 2013, she is group leader at the German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research (DKTK). Since 2019, she is W3 Professor of Medical Bioinformatics and leads the Institute for Medical Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine at the University Medical Center Freiburg. Prof. Dr. Börries' research focuses on several key areas. She specializes in analyzing big data and multi-omics data to identify disease biomarkers and to explore potential therapeutic options using machine learning techniques. She has developed high-throughput data analysis pipelines in both clinical research and application. Prof. Dr. Börries also conducts analysis of sequencing data for molecular tumor boards and actively contributes her expertise to the MIRACUM consortium. Furthermore, she explores innovative strategies for innovative health care to benefit patients.
Date: July 18th 2023 (starting 5:30 pm)
Place: Lecture Hall N2045 (Faculty of Applied Informatics)

The lecture will be live-streamed to the conference room of the Institute for Digital Medicine (IDM, Gutenbergstr. 7, 86356 Neusäß, Room 1.B001). 
We once again offer the chance to arrange informal individual meetings with the speaker to discuss related scientific questions and topics as well as common grounds with regard to personal research interests. Please send an e-mail to office.bioinf@informatik.uni-augsburg.de to make an individual appointment a few days in advance.
The lecture will last 45 to 60 minutes and it will be followed by an open discussion. Each session will be rounded off with an informal get-together, where snacks and beverages will be served.
If you have any questions or notes, please feel free to contact us: office.bioinf@informatik.uni-augsburg.de 
Further information can be found on our homepage.
----————————---     PREVIEW FOR THE NEXT WINTER TERM     ---————————----
The guest lecture series „Medical Information Sciences“ will continue in the upcoming winter term. The first lecture will be held on Tuesday, October 24th 2023. We will keep you informed on time and wish you a pleasant summer time until then.