Medical Information Sciences Vortragsreihe (2 CME Punkte) fällt heute aus!

Auf einen Blick:

Dienstag, 04.06.2024, 17:30 bis 19:00
Ort: Kleiner Hörsaal UKA, second floor, Room 048

Vortrag fällt heute aus!


Senior Research Scientist at the Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures, Technical University of Munich

„3D Computer Vision meets Medical Data and the OR“

Our world is 3D and so is the patient. But visual camera observations are 2D. Advancements in digital imaging now enable capturing rich 3D information of our
surrounding, transforming our ability to digitally perceive, present, and analyze data. By combining multiple data sources or frames in a video, we can create contextenhanced
digital copies of the physical world as well as the patient - and apply datadriven interpretations and processing. Data sources reach from ceiling mounted cameras in the OR to endoscopic images or robot-mounted sensors.
In this talk, we want to look into underlying core ideas of example 3D computer vision pipelines and investage how these approaches can be used in clinical applications. As a basis for a discussion at this exciting interdisciplinary crossroad, we dive into the subtopics 3D digital reconstruction, data curation for XR, and robot-assisted surgery.

Benjamin Busam is a Senior Research Scientist with the Technical University of Munich. He coordinates the Computer Vision activities at the Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures, I16. Formerly Head of Research at FRAMOS Imaging Systems, he led the 3D Computer Vision & AI Team at Huawei Research, London from 2018 to 2020. Benjamin studied Mathematics at TUM (Germany), ParisTech (France) and at the University of Melbourne (Australia), before he graduated with distinction at TU Munich in 2014. In continuation to a mathematical focus on projective geometry and 3D point cloud matching, he now works on 2D/3D computer vision and sensor fusion and applications into the medical domain. He For his work on adaptable high-resolution real-time stereo tracking he received the EMVA Young Professional Award 2015 from the European Machine Vision Association and was awarded Innovation Pioneer of the Year 2019 by Noah's Ark Laboratory, London. He was given multiple Outstanding Reviewer Awards at 3DV 2020, 3DV 2021, and ECCV 2022.

Date: June 4th 2024 (starting 5:30 pm)
Place: Kleiner Hörsaal (University Hospital, second floor, Room 048)
The lecture will be live-streamed to lecture hall N2045 (FAI).
We once again offer the chance to arrange informal individual meetings with the
speaker to discuss related scientific questions. Please send an e-mail to
to make an individual appointment a few days in advance.